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Permanent Owner???

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:17 pm

Permanent Owner???

Post by Massacre »

.chanset #ms.ut.priv need-key #####
Due to security concerns, only permanent owners can set these modes.

I am the only person in the bots user file, apart from Q and L who have can-flood flags. I was the first to say hello etc... why am I not a permanent and what is a permanent owner? It's not asif im gonna "dis-own" the bot tomorrow! Could someone help me get round this only I keep having to take the key off our priv chan to get the bot to join, and since the channel is currently dynamic, not in the config, I've no way of setting the key.
Revered One
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

See you config file.

There is a config file setting, sto say who is a perm owner. These users can't be deleted, or have there password changed by any other user (except yourself).

On top, you also have greater access to the bot, depending on the settings you have chosen in the config file.

The reason you need to be a perm owner for this setting, is due to the fact it can be used to run scripts/commands. As such, security can be compromised.
Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:17 pm

Post by Massacre »

k, i take it ur talking about "set owner <owner>"? I'll set that to my handle right? I'll try it anyway :p

I have this problem and cant resolve it!

Post by Soulehs »

I have this same problem, it says im not a permanent owner, I have found this setting in the config and dropped my name in it, killed the bot, restarted and it still says im not a permanent owner. I was first to msg hello, and when I run a match for my nick, I have all the flags etc that are set default when you hello it..

Any ideas.?

Post by Soulehs »

I now see the problem, It wants the owners name as set in the user file, not the online nick in IRC. :)
Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:17 pm

Post by Massacre »

Yeah, it wants your "handle", your username basically. When you msg it saying hello it says something like "I will know u as..." and the bit after as is ur handle unless you change it. I didn't realise you needed that in the config file.