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Please Help with modifying this fserv script !!!

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Please Help with modifying this fserv script !!!

Post by Salvia »

The script displayes files like so:

/www0/salvia/tech/fserv/testi.gif (512 Bytes)
/www0/salvia/tech/fserv/iroffer_win32bin_1.2b16.tgz (256 Kb)
/www0/salvia/tech/fserv/SSH Secure File Transfer Client.lnk (1 Kb)
Total files: 5
a person types !list in the channel and it makes list.txt and sends it to them

I dont want it to display the directory and I want each file to be on it's own line in the text file.

and I want people to be able to /ctcp <Botnick> get <filename>
not /msg <Botnick> get <path><filename>

### FServ v0.5
### by Progeny <>
### AzzurraNet - #EggHelp (TCL & Eggdrop)

## Settings:
set fhome "/www0/salvia/tech/fserv"
set maxsend 3
set maxget 5

## Temp settings:
set csend 0
set cget 0

loadmodule filesys
set files-path $fhome
set incoming-path $fhome
set upload-to-pwd 0
set filedb-path ""
set max-file-users $maxsend
set max-filesize 0

loadmodule transfer
set max-dloads $maxsend
set dcc-block 0
set copy-to-tmp 1
set xfer-timeout 60

bind msg - get getfile
bind msg - help fhelp
bind pub - !list flist

proc getfile {nick uhost hand argv} {
global fhome
foreach chan [channels] {
if [onchan $nick $chan] {
putserv "NOTICE @$chan :Beginning DCC Send to $nick ($argv)"
dccsend $argv $nick

proc flist {nick uhost hand chan argv} {
global fhome
set nfiles 0
set lfile [open list.txt w]
foreach files [glob -nocomplain -- $fhome/*] {
set fsize [file size $files]
set unit Bytes
if {$fsize > 1024} {
set unit Kb
set fsize [expr $fsize / 1024]
if {$fsize > 1024} {
set unit Mb
set fsize [expr $fsize / 1024]
if {$fsize > 1024} {
set unit Gb
set fsize [expr $fsize / 1024]
incr nfiles
puts $lfile "$files ($fsize $unit)"
puts $lfile "Total files: $nfiles"
close $lfile
unset nfiles
dccsend list.txt $nick

proc fhelp {nick uhost hand argv} {
global ver
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :*** FServ $ver Help"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :* Channel commands:"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick : - !list (Send to you via DCC the list of shared files)"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :* Query commands:"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick : - get <path of file> (Send to you the file that you have requested) "
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick : Example: get /home/user/fserv/cd1.iso"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :*** End of Help ***"

putlog "TCL Loaded: FServ $ver by Progeny"
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Post by Salvia »

No one ever helps with my questions :cry:
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Post by Papillon »

this may be because we don't support fserv scripts on this forum
Elen sila lúmenn' omentielvo
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Post by caesar »

Actualy, the forum rules say not to do so, and we are folowing the rules.. :) Kidding.. no XDCC or Fservers round here..
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by ppslim »

As allready stated.

However, we are not duty bound to answer any question, on top, you do not allways get a answer for a question in such a short time.
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Post by Salvia »

ahh so where can I go to get help on this???
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Post by caesar »

I'm afaid you won't.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by masskilla »

We have rules for this board?

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Post by ppslim »

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