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chan-relay v1.01 by shred

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chan-relay v1.01 by shred

Post by Noam »

Hello, I have tried to use the script chan-relay v1.01 by shred but it just doesn't do anything after its loaded.
i suspect this is a problem with my configuration, so if someone here uses it could show me their configuration. it is abit complicated
my config is:

Code: Select all

set cr(sets) {
	"iS-EF1 #ishells CjmknuT {*} EFRelay #ishells CjmknuT {*}"
set cr(netbots) "iS-EF1 EFRelay"
on both of the eggdrops. (both v1.6.15)

thanks in advance,
Noam Migdali.

Post by Nemesis][ »

I'll do a little shameless self promotion here...

Take a look at and try my chanrelay script.
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Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2003 7:55 am
Location: Netanya, Israel.

Post by Noam »

thank you very much, from a brief look it looks like an advanced script which is what i needed :D
cant realy test it untill tommorow due to it being 5am right now
btw, why isnt this script on egghelp's tcl archive?

Thank you,
Noam Migdali.