here are some ways to prevent take overs:
1) register your chan to make the network's channel service join your channel and prevent anyone from deopping the channel service.
2) make 10+ bots, host them on a fast server and the lamer that will try to deop all the users will be deopped after the first 6 modes.
both of these ways are for Undernet but if there's channel service and max modes = 6 in another network will work too.
«A fantastic spaghetti is a spaghetti that does not exist»
Also, you can adjust the flood-deop to a value that suits you better and make a tcl script using the bind flud, adding a ban or something.. A "bitch" thing will be nice also to keep the op's secure.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
Lines that have # in theyr front are coments and are ignored. Do a .chaninfo #your_channel and see the result of the "chanmode" thing. In the "chanmode" are the channel modes that will be enforced by the eggdrop, this dosen't mean that it will stop the takeover or something like this, it will just remove/place the enforced channel modes.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.