It's late, i'm tired, and probably missed this somewhere in the code, confs, and tcls, but is there a way to change the banmask on the .kickban NICK so i dont have to .kickban @NICK? i always forget the @, and would just like to change the plain one to a normal hostmask, instead of a ident/isp mask.
ok, i am just totally blind, i could have sworn i looked through alot of the post on the forum... glad it is being looked into for 1.7, cause i hate modifing the source
Just to warn you. 1.7 is the development name (just the same as 1.5 was the development name for the 1.6 bots).
1.7 is not likely to be available for a very very long time.
Work on clearing up the code has not even completed yet, then the changes have to be made to area being removed. Then more clearing up.
Once this long development cycle is complete, it goes into bug testing. And trust me, the amount of changes taking place on 1.7, this will take even longer.