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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Mint Rubber
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Post by caesar »

I have a list of movies with date of appearing and it's votes written in a variable or even in a file, dosen't matter. What I want to do is to split the list in some pages, to have 15 movies on a page, another 15 on th next page and so on till It's empty. I would like some sugestions on how should I complete this task. I have some ideeas of my own, but I want to see/compare mine with others.
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Post by stdragon »

Use a for loop?
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Post by GodOfSuicide »

a loop with a counter
then use the mathematic DIV cmd (if there is such a thing in TCL) to check if the counter is able to be divided trought 15 (alà if {[expr $ctr div 15] = 0})
if yes -> increase the page-jump-counter by one
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Post by GeoMan59 »

Don't need a div command i would think. You could do two things, you could store it in a temp var and take away 15 every time until you either go negative/zero or detect that the number is below 15, depending on where u check. Or you could do normal division and check to see if the number was below or equal to 15...

Tell me if that makes sense :)
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Post by caesar »

Give me an example of how should I mess around inside the for loop. I've played with it and screwd it all the time. The thing is that inside this loop I got to store in a html file only 15 movies with ther coments, date and etc. then move to the next page and continue with other 15 and so on..
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Post by GodOfSuicide »

Code: Select all

set movies(count) 0
set in [open mymovies.txt r]
while {![eof $in]} { 
	incr movies(count)
	set movies($movies(count)) [gets $in]
this should read all lines from the file into the array

Code: Select all

set ctr 1
set ctr2 0
set ctr3 0
while {$finished == 0} {
	incr ctr
	incr ctr3
	if {$ctr == 15} {
		set ctr 1 
		incr ctr2
	set page($ctr2,$ctr) $movie($ctr3)
	if {$ctr3 == $movies(count)} {set finished 1}
i'm sorry i cant test it right now, but i think it should work
the output will be an array (page) with page(1,3) == "Desperados" for example

the output into the html template shouldnt be a problem afterwards