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Please help a n00b

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Please help a n00b

Post by TricKstEr »


I have created my bot and got it running in my channel, I messaged it hello, and set a password as it instructed me too, I even managed to install a tcl script that makes it run a quiz and that works (I have full control of this).

What I cant do is get on the partyline to add users.

When I goto initiate a dcc chat session, it just brings up another mirc page saying waiting for response and doesnt do anything.

I have also tried to telnet into my bot, using the bit after the @ sign I get when I do a whois on the bot and using the port that I set when I changed the # all 3333 (or something similar) to :-
all 5442

The ways I have tried to telnet are using putty (as I did to set the bot up in the first place) ssh and normal telnet, but it just brings up a black screen for ssh and for telnet it says connection refused.

Is there something simple that I have left out/[censored] up in the config? If no-one can help me do that, all I really want to do is set the bot to auto voice users and to add one more master user (so he can control the quiz) where and how else can I do these 2 things?

Any help greatly appreciated :D

/me wanders off to try and make psybnc work
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Post by Papillon »

Go over the ##### BOTNET/DCC/TELNET ##### section in your config-file again. makse sure you check out this option...
# This setting will drop telnet connections not matching a known host. It
# greatly improves protection from IRCops, but makes it impossible to add
# hosts on limbo (NOIRC) bots or have NEW as a valid login.
set protect-telnet 0
Elen sila lúmenn' omentielvo

Post by TricKstEr »

it is set to set protect-telnet 0
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Post by Sol0 »

are you behind a firewall?
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Post by Moose »

yes are you behind a firewall i was and my bot never worked until i turned it off?