There are a few good tcls for flood protection, besides the built in flood proctection eggdrops have, the built in flood protection is accessed with .chanset #CHANNEL flood-chan #1:#2 where as #1 being the number of lines, and #2 being in how many seconds constitutes a flood, Sentinel.tcl comes with the eggdrop package, and is in the scripts/ directory. Check it out.
Btw I found a bug or something like this in this tcl. If someone do a flood on the channel kick+ban the user(s), but if is doin a flood on him:
TCL error [flud_ban]: illegal channel: *
so this meens that this is not perfect. If want it perfect then you got to add some lines with the destination for channel and for bot so that he to know what to do.
He ignores the user(s) but that line comes up. Thx for this ideea. I think it's neat!
Well I got to admit that I was wrong. The previous tcl din't work at me coz I had a little problem with an other tcl wich result an conflict betwen them. This final code work's perfect. About the "bind flud - * flud_ban" as I read in the tcl-commands.doc, should be "bind flud * * flud_ban" but I see that this the same thins so this can be used in the bouth modes. Sorry if I upset you with something .. I din't want to be rude or something. Nice work Wcc and thx for this cool ideea.