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cmd_t Flags

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cmd_t Flags

Post by Compuholic »

I'm trying to write an extension to an existing Module that announces Posts in a Woltlab-Board in an IRC-Channel. The only problem with the module is, that everyone can see this Announce-Messages, which can be very annoying. So my goal is, to write an extension so that users can subscribe themselves to the "newsletter" (via Private Messages) and are notified via private Messages.

1. Is anywhere out there a good documentation abount the various structures and function eggdrop offers for modules. The documentation I have is very brief and far from being complete.

2. I've looked through some examples and If I've understood them in the right way, I can use the add_builtins Function to install a handler for specific commands. The only problem is, in every example I've seen this commands are triggered from public messages. There must be a way to handle only commands sent by private message. I suppose this can be done by the flags-param in the cmd_t structure. But I haven't found a documentation about this flags yet. Maybe someone can help me out.

Thanks for your help
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2002 4:47 am

Post by lordares »

No there are no documents.

Spend some time in src/mod/irc.mod/msgcmds.c

It should help you a lot.