Though eggdrops are run on .TCL scripts I was wondering if it is possible to make it so that you can use .MRC scripts. Trying to learn TCL is pretty hard, I know HTML, some PHP, and mIRC scripting but I think it would be incredibly cool to see this. Or is there already something like this that I am missing?
Anyways, just an idea (I'm a newbie so don't flame me too much)
Why would you want to add support to eggdrop for this combersom language.
mIRC script is slow, has a lousy parser (sorry Khaled). The scripting language has been built upon the same parser from the begining, and is just not suited for what it provides today.
If this where to be implimented, it would be about the size of the Tcl distrobution.
If any1 where to take on such a chalenge, it would take more than a month.