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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.


Post by rephlex »

i signed up for's eggdrop hosting service, and I have been very displeased. On initial registration I sent in my money through paypal within 20 minutes. I have yet to recive an email about my account activation. (its been at least two weeks now) I have sent multiple emails which have yet to be answered and I cant even cancel my service as they dont reply to my emails and seems to be down. I forwarn any of you looking for a shell account NOT to register with

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Your crazy..

Post by Sharpnet »

1. We answer all e-mail. If you haven't received a response, then your e-mail server sucks as a lot of e-mail has been bouncing lately as people don't put correct reply-to addresses.

2. If you signed up AND followed directions, your account would be activated the same day.

3. We have both domestic and international phone numbers. If e-mail hasn't been a viable solution, then why haven't you called us?

4. We have an IRC channel and an IRC network. Why haven't you joined there?

I'd advise one of the above methods before crying on forums. Makes us both look bad.
Devon Dunham
Sharpnet Communications, Inc. - -- Unbiased, no non-sense, shell discussion..

Re: Your crazy..

Post by rephlex »

Sharpnet wrote:1. We answer all e-mail. If you haven't received a response, then your e-mail server sucks as a lot of e-mail has been bouncing lately as people don't put correct reply-to addresses.
my email works.
Sharpnet wrote:2. If you signed up AND followed directions, your account would be activated the same day.
i followed directions, and payed within about ten minutes of signing up. Im not having a problem with activation, I just didnt recive a Welcome letter... At all.
Sharpnet wrote:3. We have both domestic and international phone numbers. If e-mail hasn't been a viable solution, then why haven't you called us?
I did call, I even left a message.
Sharpnet wrote:4. We have an IRC channel and an IRC network. Why haven't you joined there?
I joined, and it said you had been idle some extremely long time... So i left.
Sharpnet wrote:I'd advise one of the above methods before crying on forums. Makes us both look bad.
Im sorry, but I am paying for your service, and it has been unsatisfactory as of right now. If you would like me to stay using your service, and possibly have a mod delete this thread, I reccomend you help me out, and leave the attitude you seem to have at home, not with your customers.
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Post by ppslim »

The mods won't delete this thread, regardless of ending situation.

I have a few friends with sharpnet. From information they have given to me, the only thing I can sugest is that do what most IRC users do.

Enter a channel, look at the OPs idle times, ask a question, no answer within 60 seconds, the you leave.

All the people I know that use sharpnet, have asked various questions over time in the channel, and all have received a reply within 5 mins.

Some did say that the answer wasn't what they wanted to hear, so I won't praise them all the way (though I don't know the facts), however, the speed was reliable.

I work as tech support for a company. I get sworn at and blamed for brokken deadlines, claiming I never get back in contact with them. In allmost every case, they are proved wrong, through switchboard logs, POP3D logs.
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Post by Sharpnet »

I apologize. I didn't realize you were a customer and we got the issue worked out (invalid e-mail) over the phone.

Thanks for choosing Sharpnet, I'm sure you won't have any more problems.
Devon Dunham
Sharpnet Communications, Inc. - -- Unbiased, no non-sense, shell discussion..


Post by FragileDeath »

Yours must be a rare case , I had a tough time gettin Sharpnet to get my shell up but it was done in 2 dys.I've been with them for a year and everythings been smooth.You usually should be able to catch someone on their irc chan.Anyways good choice with Sharpnet. ;)
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Post by Clipped »

I must say sharpnet has been a stable shell... One of thier servers had a problem today and although I didnt get an email response fast and I would imagine this is due to them being swamped with emails due to the server problem :) I joined their chat and had an answer to my question within 30 seconds and was back up within 2 minutes...As far as im concerned I will be with sharpnet for a long time if the service and shell stability continues ;) My opinion anyways..I have a few shell accounts and I regard sharpnet as 1 of my best shells..........

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Thanks guys..

Post by Sharpnet »

We appreciate the kind comments and wouldn't be where we are today without the hundreds of customers that support us..

We hear and respect your thoughts regarding our service and support, which is why we're working vigously to increase our support staff and response times. But due to the harsh time restraints of real-life activities, the administrator and myself find this to be quite a cumbersome task.

We would still like to thank everyone for their support and understanding in times of delay and slow responses..

With warm regards,
Devon Dunham
Sharpnet Communications, Inc. - -- Unbiased, no non-sense, shell discussion..
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Post by Yourname »

Hello, even though the topic is almost closed now. I'd like to voice my opinion again (as I was'nt around) as I've always whenever a topic regarding Sharpnet came up.
[NOTE: All opinions that I'll voice here are strictly my own and sharpnet isn't paying me to talk in their favour :P]

I've been a customer with sharpnet for 3 yrs now (and still going).

Email: In my opinion they are the best. I've had almost all those shells which will be considered as top 10. And so far, I just respect the way Sharpnet had responded to me. Apart from sharpnet, Ghostweb (now was awesome.

IRC: People have lives. They are'nt paid to sit their asses on IRC *all* the time (exactly why they stress on email), although Sharpnet staff is usually on. Atleast ddunham (Devon Dunham) is, even with the longest of idle times, it does'nt mean he isn't around. Leaving a message always helped, and come on, why do guys have to be so impatient about stuff? Why come in, ask "any admin around?" and leave in 2 seconds of asking your question? Like I said, people do other things apart from IRC too and can't answer you in 2 seconds. (unlike me ofcourse :P)

In these 3 yrs I think I had problems, just 3 times. They are'nt really problems, but they were put on the motd, emails sent out (twice I did'nt receive for some reason, but I saw the motd) that there are gonna be scheduled downtimes (read again: scheduled downtimes) for upgrades, etc. How can someone expect good service if the shell isn't being updated as and when necessary with new connections, kernel upgrades, databases, and stuff like that? (especially with a shell that has hundreds of customers?)
Besides the fact that most of their downtimes are intentional and are conveyed to the customers ahead of time, there are times when their own ISP gets hit by DDoS attacks or some problem like a fire somewhere that disrupted services, etc. These are unavoidable, as you all must be knowing, you never know what's gonna happen, and when. Inspite of this, I don't remember significant downtimes... just a day or two.

Apart from all this, I'm sure their services speak for themselves. And I don't blame most of the people, c'mon, there's always atleast one rotten apple in a bag of 100 :)

*applause* /me bows.
Dormant egghead.
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Post by Bytez »

Bump, I thought i'd do this so new customers can post their opinions on sharpnet. I'm really looking into signing up with them :)
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We have our own forums :-)

Post by Sharpnet »

Check out our forums at and become a member of our growing community today. There, you will be able to ask questions directly to our past/present customers, as well as get some insight from admins on other questions you may have..
Devon Dunham
Sharpnet Communications, Inc. - -- Unbiased, no non-sense, shell discussion..
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Post by Bytez »

That link doesn't work.
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Yes it does

Post by Sharpnet »

It appears to work fine for me and several others that have logged in today. Are you sure your DNS servers are functioning correctly?
Devon Dunham
Sharpnet Communications, Inc. - -- Unbiased, no non-sense, shell discussion..