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Channels with strange Chars and File writeing

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Channels with strange Chars and File writeing

Post by TeDDyBeeR »

dear reader,

i have a problem with channels that been stored in a file
and must readed as channel where the command is given in

this is the code part :

Code: Select all

   if {([strlwr $arg] == "on")} {
      set allvoicechannels 0
      set readin [open ${allvoicefile} r]
      while {![eof $readin]} {
         set raw_initdata [gets $readin]
         if {[eof $readin]} {break}
         if {${raw_initdata} == [strlwr $chan]} {
            set allvoicechannels 1
      close $readin
      if {$allvoicechannels == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Channel $chan is already in my Allvoice List" ; return 0 }
      set create [open ${allvoicefile} a]  
      puts $create [strlwr $chan]
      close $create
      set allvoicechannels 0
      set readin [open ${allvoicefile} r]
      while {![eof $readin]} {
         set raw_initdata [gets $readin]
         if {[eof $readin]} {break}
         if {${raw_initdata} == [strlwr $chan]} {
            set allvoicechannels 1
      close $readin
      if {$allvoicechannels == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Channel $chan succesfully added to my Allvoice List" ; return 0 }     
The Channel is : mp³{zone}
This file wirte the channel in the file as : #mp³{zone}

On the putlog and on channel it puch the same name out, whilt it will not be the same by de code:

Code: Select all

on partyline : [12:55] <DragonSlayer> [12:55] readin : #mp³{zone} of channel #mp³{zone}
on chanel : [12:58] < DragonSlayer > Channel #mp³{zone} is readed, #mp³{zone} must it be ?
Th fisrt of the channelnames are the $raw_initdata the second channel is teh $chan value

What must i do to get the good check that when $raw_initdata == $chan?

On normal channel like #trivia, the script is doning what he must do!

Greets TeDDyBeeR
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Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:11 am

Post by TeDDyBeeR »

Never mind, i have used de encryption and decryption to write to the file...

thx anyway for the one who can help me anyway's but it's not a problem anymore :)
