I am writing a script for my bot to work with CGI:IRC, it runs a ipaccess file to deny ips, etc, and I got the bot to add to that file right, but the users also have a userinfo ctcp command, that outputs there real ip, so I need my bot to execute a ctcp userinfo on the person specified, get the output, parse out the IP address, and add it to the file, would also like to output the whole userinfo ctcp to the channel, and a message about it being banned. Appreciate any help.
I figured out how to do this. Here's how if anyone ever need anything similar.
bind pub m !ipban pub_ipban
bind ctcr - USERINFO pub_uinfo
proc pub_ipban {nick host handle channel args} {
set who [lindex $args 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG #Lamest :$nick has requested a ban on $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $who :01USERINFO01"
### #Lamest is grimbot's chan, also default eggdrop chan ;D. ###