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Eggdrop is running, but not on IRC

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Eggdrop is running, but not on IRC

Post by Fips »

Very often in last time, Eggdrop quits IRC. I look in the processlist, EggDrop's still running, but I can't telnet to it and it isn't connected to IRC. In the logs are no Tcl errors or anything else. What's the problem?
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me 2

Post by KrE80r »

me 2 have the sme problem since i installed latest eggdrop
and also i cant telnet to it
i have to kill the job and restart it again
any ideas?
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Post by almighty »

i get this too when the bot pings out.
Its still visable in ps x
however its not on irc. :-?
Big Brother Clone for the South West

Post by Fips »

Yeah, the bot stands still. Writes no more logfiles, doesn't accept telnet. And it gets a Ping Timeout from IRC... so it also doesn't reply to IRC PINGs. It only accepts terminating signals...
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Post by MD87 »

There are several resons why it could ping out

1. DoS/DoS/problems with host: Not a lot you can do - the host could be being hit by a DoS attack, meaning most of the things on your host will ping out (but still run). If you can SSH to your shell then this probably isn't the case

2. Scripts: Some scripts will cause the bots to stop until it's done sonething - e.g. running programs with [exec ] that take some time to execute (pisg..).

3. Bug with eggdrop: Doubt this, but there could be a bug with eggdrop that makes it do it, highly unlikely though as many others would have experienced it, if it were.

Hope this helps
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Post by KrE80r »

well am sure no DoS attacks on my provider

this thing happened wheni upgraded to version 1.6.15

Post by Fips »

Me too... the server's always running. And I've got also v1.6.15. I think it could be a bug...

And I also deactivated all my scripts - it stopped also after a time.
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Post by Yourname »

This happened to me way back, on 1.4.5 and another version in the 1.6.x series that I can't remember. So, I'm sure it's not the version problem.

But then, I #$^@!%%^@#! can't remember what I did to solve it! :( (which I successfully did)
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Post by Sir_Fz »

well, since this happened when u upgraded to 1.6.15 then return to eggdrop1.6.13 which is the most stable version right now :)

if this continues then the problem is not with the version, but I think it is.

Same here

Post by ]x[ »

My shell provider got ddosed. Then my bot pinged out. But when the ddos stopped the bot wouldn't come back online. Isn't there an option to let it check if it get ddossed and after a while check if it can reconnect to the network ?

I have had this error aswel when the server was not being ddosed, so some looking into would be nice.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

well usually during ddos attacks, all processes on the box get killed, so I don't think your bot will reconnect alone you have to do it manually.
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Re: Same here

Post by user »

]x[ wrote:My shell provider got ddosed. Then my bot pinged out. But when the ddos stopped the bot wouldn't come back online. Isn't there an option to let it check if it get ddossed and after a while check if it can reconnect to the network ?

Code: Select all

set check-stoned 1;# to find out if the connection died
set never-give-up 1;# to keep cycling the server list
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Post by Sir_Fz »

yeah, but that's incase the IRC server gets ddosed or lags for any reason, then the bot will cycle the server list.

but if the shell is being ddosed, I don't think that would do any good.
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Post by spock »

the eggdrop wont know if its the ircserver or the shellbox being dossed, in both cases it will find out it cant talk to the server anymore, and jump to the next one in the list
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Post by Sir_Fz »

my guess would be, the bot is too lagged to find or recieve anything. it will just freeze. when it gets pinged out from the irc server. the bot would still see itself as connected, that's what normaly happens anyway... untill everything's abck to normal all info will be recieved by the bot and then it'll jump to the next server (that's if the box doesn't go down, and the processes gets killed)