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How can I let my bot join a channel?

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How can I let my bot join a channel?

Post by MrSnake »

Prolly a silly question, but how can I let my bot join a channel?
I can only get it online.
I tried several commands, but they appear not to work?

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Post by gumbydammit »

.help +chan
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Post by firepac »

Find the lines in the conf file that looks like the following and replace #channel with your channel name.

channel add #channel {
chanmode "+nt"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
revenge-mode 1
aop-delay 0:0
flood-chan 30:10
flood-deop 0:0
flood-kick 0:0
flood-join 10:5
flood-ctcp 0:0
flood-nick 10:5
channel set #channel +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans +dynamicexempts +greet
channel set #channel +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites +protectops
channel set #channel +protectfriends -statuslog +revenge +cycle
channel set #channel -revengebot +dontkickops +autovoice -autoop
channel set #channel -bitch -secret -shared
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Post by Darmoth »

Eeeeek, well that would work, but it's only a solution if the bot is just in one or just a few channels.
Each time you add a chanel to the conf you need to restart the bot to get the changes working.
The solution Mr. Snake told, just to add the channel dynamic by using .+chan #channelname ist IMHO the better and more comfortable solution.
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Post by GodOfSuicide »

or with a public trigger..

Code: Select all

bind pub m !join pub_join
proc pub_join {nick host hand chan text} {
 	set addchan [lindex $text 0]
 	if {$addchan == ""} {
 		puthelp "notice $nick :Usage !join #channel"
 		return 0
	if {[validchan $addchan] == 1} { puthelp "notice $nick :I allready have $addchan on my database" } else {
		channel add $addchan
	puthelp "notice $nick :Added $addchan to my channels"
	putlog "Added $addchan"
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Post by caesar »

And for what use will be this pub !join when his eggdrop is not in any channel at all? :) Anyway, telnet or dcc in then see the .help +chan as you where sugested before me.

Adding a channel directly in the .conf file will make it static, so your eggdrop will be unable to "forget and erase" it from it's "memory" (channels file) when a dynamic one can be erased at any time. Also the static and the dynamic channels can be "parted" using the +inactive channel flag.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.

Post by GIR »

Did you ask mister manual?