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Problem with regexp

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Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2003 6:33 pm

Problem with regexp

Post by darkrad »

if $line var is :
<a href="/Sections/Genres/Sci-Fi/">Sci-Fi</a> / <a href="/Sections/Genres/Action/">Action</a> / <a
href="/Sections/Genres/Thriller/">Thriller</a> <a href="keywords">(more)</a>

and i try to :
[regexp -- {(?s)^.+>(.*)</a>$} $line - gen]

if i print $gen , the result is :

How do i fix this , to have $gen = Sci-Fi Action Thriller


thx for the support :lol:
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Re: Problem with regexp

Post by strikelight »

darkrad wrote:if $line var is :
<a href="/Sections/Genres/Sci-Fi/">Sci-Fi</a> / <a href="/Sections/Genres/Action/">Action</a> / <a
href="/Sections/Genres/Thriller/">Thriller</a> <a href="keywords">(more)</a>

and i try to :
[regexp -- {(?s)^.+>(.*)</a>$} $line - gen]

if i print $gen , the result is :

How do i fix this , to have $gen = Sci-Fi Action Thriller


thx for the support :lol:
You'd be better off using regsub instead of regexp..

Code: Select all

regsub -all {(<[^>]*>)} $line "" gen
Should do the trick.. Of course, "(more)" will still be in it as well, but it shouldn't be hard for you to get rid of that.