My botnet, after a small repeat flood, has a strange behaviour:
*** user^ was kicked by netbot1 (stop repeating)
*** netbot2 sets mode: +b *!*@host
*** netbot3 sets mode: -b *!*@host
*** netbot4 sets mode: -b *!*@host
*** netbot5 sets mode: +b *!*@host
settings in netset.tcl are
# repeat.tcl settings
set nb_component(repeat) 1
set rp_chans ""
set rp_echans ""
set rp_efficient 1
set rp_exempt "o|o"
set rp_warning 0
set rp_kflood 4:60
set rp_kreason "stop repeating"
set rp_bflood 8:60
set rp_breason "repeat flood"
set rp_sflood 0:00
set rp_sreason "stop repeating"
set rp_slength 40
set rp_mtime 240
set rp_mreason "multiple repeat floods"
set rp_btime 40
I'd like to avoid this ban-unban flood, i.e. the netbots shouldn't clear the ban.
Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know of the eggdrop source has been fixed for this? An author of another script put in a workaround for this problem of the bot sharing bans/unbans so it the script wouldn't be affected.
Or is there a chance netbots script can be edited to not be affected either?
set isalreadyban 0
foreach i [banlist $chan] {
if {[string match $banmask [lindex [split $i] 0]]} {
set isalreadyban 1
if {![set isalreadyban]} {
newchanban ......
trust me, it works. i had repeat4.1.tcl doing that manic +b-b [censored] untill i wrote that code, which stopped it.
That appears to be another trigger of the same problem in Eggdrop's ban sharing. When a newchanban is repeated over an existing ban, the bot itself acts as expected (keeps ban, activates it on the channel if it isn't present) but sharebots can receive a 'cancel ban' command from that bot, so they remove the ban, resulting in the +b-b silliness.
The latest repeat.tcl doesn't check if a ban exists before doing a newchanban, adding a check would probably reduce the problem (but fixing it in Eggdrop's code to avoid these workarounds would be better). However, there is still the other cause of multiple bots setting a ban simultaneously, which creates big problems for sentinel.tcl and can cause the same problem with repeat.tcl or any other script which uses newchanban.
Where does this code exactly go in the repeat tcl? I'm willing to try it as I actually did but I got errors, and I'm not a tcl coder so no idea where or how it should be implemented in the script.