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"Ghost" Bots

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"Ghost" Bots

Post by Ctho »

I run a room that runs a music trivia bot (the moxquizz one that is quite popular). Recently I noticed the bot appears in the room, even if I telnet
to him and make him "die". I was told by close friend of mine that this is a "ghost" bot and that I need to use the .restart command and make sure nobody is in my room. I tried doing this but the real bot cannot connect to the room because it sees the "ghost" bot nick and I get the nick already taken error and disconnected from server response.

I know this isn't a problem with the bot itself, but is there anything else I can do beside wait for the operators on that server to reboot the server and hope the "ghost" bot goes away.

Thank you for your help!

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Post by gumbydammit »

hmm well first of all set an alt-nick in your conf.. your bot will connect with this when his is taken and take his back when its available.. there is also probably scripts in the archive to use the ghost command on the ghost ( if the server has services).. also might wanna check your crontabs and make sure you are simply not starting to instances of the same bot
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Post by ppslim »

It sounds like you have the bot on a crontab.

When you see what you claim is a ghost, can you telnet into the bot?

Post by Ctho »

To tell you the truth, I doubt it's crontab. I don't know much about crontab and looked for it in my conf file for the eggdrop and the tcl script for the moxquizz. I'm fairly new to the eggdrop business and have read about crontab but don't know enough about it to mess with it.

I've also set an alternate nick and this isn't working either. The server I am on for the room is TalkCity and it has been know for it's various anomalies and I am sure it's not totally IRC compliant, although I have no clue what kind of server they run. Still, I've sent them a "trouble ticket" so to speak because it seems like various problems occur when they do maintenance on their server (typically it is just ghost nicks..not ghost bot! lol).

Incidently, I can telnet into my bot. No problem there whatsoever. And I can see the bot trying to connect to the room.

Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions and taking your time to help me.
Take care!

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Post by shadough »

You can check for a crontab by type crontab -l at the shell prompt and crontab -r to remove one if it exists. Although it sounds like a server anamolly
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Post by BarkerJr »

That it could be. Is this on IrcNET? I've seen it happen once or twice on that network.