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How to change ctcp version, userinfo, finger replay in egg?

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How to change ctcp version, userinfo, finger replay in egg?

Post by NoFear »

How to change ctcp version, userinfo, finger replay in eggdrop?
ctcp.dll ? how do i open dll and change everjthing in dll ?
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Post by egghead »

Try reading the default eggdrop.conf that comes with eggdrop...
# several variables exist to better blend your egg in. they are
# ctcp-version, ctcp-finger, and ctcp-userinfo. you can use set
# to set them to values you like.
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Post by bobjuh »

set ctcp-mode 0
set ctcp-finger ""
set ctcp-userinfo "$realname"
set ctcp-version "irssi v0.8.6 - running on FreeBSD i386"
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Post by NoFear »

egghead heh i have my own eggdrop.conf

Code: Select all

#! /path/to/executable/eggdrop
# ^- set that to the directory eggdrop is in ie "#! /home/lamest/egg/eggdrop"
# $Id: eggdrop.simple.conf,v 1.15 2001/08/13 19:12:27 guppy Exp $
# This is a sample configuration file for your bot.  You will definitely
# want to edit this, to set up your bot.  Right now it creates a bot called
# "LamestBot" which sits on channel #lamest.
# more options can be found in files in doc/settings/
# IMPORTANT: Remember to make install and cd to the directory it created
# (~/eggdrop by default) before you continue, running the bot from
# eggdrop1.6.x/ will not work.
# Pri prvi uporabi bota ga moraš OBVEZNO zagnati v dosu z komando "eggdrop -m eggdrop.comf"
# Prosim Izpolni Ta Dokument Popolno! Botek ne bo deloval pravilno če ga ne boš izpolnil 
# popolno in pravilno!

# Teh 9 vrstic pusti pri miru jih ne spreminjaj!!
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
set username "H-Town"
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule uptime
loadmodule blowfish
loadmodule share
loadmodule transfer

# Tukaj prični z obdelavo !

##### variables:
set nick "H-Town"
# Nick bota je ime, ki ga bo uporabljal na ircu in v botnetu, 
# če neboš posebno spreminjal bot-net nicka

set altnick "H-Town"
# Alternativa je drug nick. To pomeni, če nick ni na voljo bo bot imel alternativo. 
# Znak ? bo PC samodejno zamenjal s katerokoli črko ali številko. 

set realname "* I'm To Lame To Read My H-Town.doc *"
# Real name je opis oz. ime bota, to so bo izpisalo če bo katerikoli drug IRCAR gledal tvoj bot. 

# tcl code to run (if any) when first connecting to a server

bind evnt - init-server evnt:init-server 

proc evnt:init-server {type} { 
  global botnick
  putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"

# Vpiši server na katerega se bo bot konektal. 
# POZOR !!!
# Pred vpisom servera se posvetuj z irc operaterjom če so boti na njihovem serverju dovoljeni 

set servers {
# Če želiš da bo bot pravilno deloval še tukaj nastavi kanal na katerega se bo pridružo. 
channel add #H-Town {
  chanmode "+snt"
  idle-kick 0
  stopnethack-mode 0
  flood-chan 0
  flood-deop 0
  flood-kick 0
  flood-join 0
  flood-ctcp 0
  flood-nick 0


channel set #H-Town -enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #H-Town +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
channel set #H-Town +autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends +dontkickops
channel set #H-Town +greet +statuslog
channel set #H-Town -revenge +autovoice -revengebot
channel set #H-Town -secret +shared +cycle
channel set #H-Town -inactive +nodesynch

set net-type 0
# Nastavi tvoj network
# [0/1/2/3/4/5] Katero je tvoje network?
# 0 = Efnet (non +e/+I hybrid), 1 = IRCnet, 2 = Undernet, 3 = Dalnet,
# 4 = Efnet +e/+I hybrid, 5 = Others

# various stuff...

listen 1000 all
# Nastavi port pod katerim se bo bot lahko linakl 

set owner "NoFear"
# Nastavi lastnika bota. Pod tem nickom te bo bot prepoznal in ti dal dovoljenje da boš z njim chatal. 

# Dokumenti in Direktoriji

set userfile "H-Town.user"
set chanfile "H-Town.chan"
set temp-path "tmp/"
logfile msbxco * "logs/eggdrop.log"
logfile jpk #H-Town "logs/H-Town.log"

# default console flags
set console "mkcobxs"

##### SCRIPTS #####

# Tukaj je nekaj loadanih skript ki so potrebne za delovanje bota.
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/cmd_resolve.tcl
source scripts/getops.tcl
source scripts/protectOPS.tcl
source scripts/stats.conf
source scripts/tools.tcl
source scripts/gseen.conf
source scripts/LimitProtection.tcl
source scripts/sentinel.tcl
source scripts/Glasovanje.tcl
source scripts/JoinGreet.tcl
source netbots/netset.tcl
source netbots/netbots.tcl
source netbots/botnetop.tcl
source netbots/chanlimit.tcl
source netbots/superbitch.tcl
source netbots/mass.tcl


# Ident script for Windrop by FireEgl@EFnet <>

# uses username value for ident as default
# read head of script for more documentation
# uncomment (remove cross from) next line to activate
#source scripts/winident1.2.tcl
now what do i must add that i'll have my own ctcp replays?
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Post by NoFear »

bobjuh thx works ;)
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Post by bobjuh »

source netbots/netbots.tcl
source netbots/botnetop.tcl
Don't load netset.tcl and netbots.tcl
Only load netbots.tcl or you will get errors
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little problem

Post by NoFear »

this is slennox superbitch script but i have linked two bots and if one of them ops other user that bot get kicked. Anyone know how to fix this?

Code: Select all

if {$numversion < 1040200} {
  if {[info commands isop] != ""} {
    proc wasop {nick chan} {
      return [isop $nick $chan]

proc sb_bitch {nick uhost hand chan mode opped} {
  global botnick sb_chans sb_canop sb_canopany sb_canopflags sb_checkop sb_note sb_remove
  if {$mode == "+o"} {
    if {$nick != $botnick} {
      if {((($opped != $botnick) && ($nick != $opped) && ([onchan $nick $chan]) && (![wasop $opped $chan])) && (($sb_chans == "") || ([lsearch -exact $sb_chans [string tolower $chan]] != -1)))} {
        if {![matchattr [nick2hand $opped $chan] $sb_canopflags $chan]} {
          if {(($sb_canopany == "") || (![matchattr $hand $sb_canopany $chan]))} {
             putquick "KICK $chan $opped :Permission Denied" 
             putquick "KICK $chan $nick :Permission Denied"
            if {(($sb_remove) && ([validuser $hand]) && ([matchattr $hand o|o $chan]))} {
              chattr $hand -o+d|-o+d $chan
              if {[info commands sendnote] != ""} {
                foreach recipient $sb_note {
                  if {[validuser $recipient]} {
                    sendnote SUPERBITCH $recipient "Permission Denied"
        } else {
          if {((($sb_canopany == "") || (![matchattr $hand $sb_canopany $chan])) && (($sb_canop == "") || (![matchattr $hand $sb_canop $chan])))} {
             putquick "KICK $chan $opped :Permission Denied" 
             putquick "KICK $chan $nick :Permission Denied"
            if {(($sb_remove) && ([validuser $hand]) && ([matchattr $hand o|o $chan]))} {
              chattr $hand -o+d|-o+d $chan
              if {[info commands sendnote] != ""} {
                foreach recipient $sb_note {
                  if {[validuser $recipient]} {
                    sendnote SUPERBITCH $recipient "Permission Denied"
    } else {
      if {(($sb_checkop) && (![matchattr [nick2hand $opped $chan] o|o $chan]))} {
        putquick "KICK $chan $opped :Permission Denied"
        putlog "Permission Denied"
  return 0

set sb_chans [split [string tolower $sb_chans]] ; set sb_note [split $sb_note]

bind mode - * sb_bitch
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Post by NoFear »

omfg sorry
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