Hi all, i'm currently trying to figure out how port some code that i'm using in mIRC for use on my eggdrop. The code is simple really and works on two parts:
Part one: Sends CTCP FINGER to the nickname if the nick is 6 or 8 characters in length or if it contains the word "*Baby*" "*Lady*" or "*Girl*"
Part two: On the CTCP finger reply, if it contains "*%email*" or "*%iloveuayas*" it would ban the user and kick it out with the message "Auto Banned: Recognised CTCP Finger Reply" or something to that effect
I've tried looking through the TCL-commands reference for help and got a bit stumped, i thought i'd understand it since i understand mIRC Scripting.. but anyway if anyone has any ideas feel free to post a reply. Here is the original mIRC code below:
on *:join:#Mp3z-Techno-Dance:if (($len($nick) == 6) || ($len($nick) ==
|| (Baby isin $nick) || (Girl isin $nick)) { ctcp $nick finger }
on *:ctcpreply:finger*:if ((*%email* iswm $1-) || (*%iloveuayas* iswm $1-)) { /ban -u1800 #Mp3z-Techno-Dance $nick 2 | kick #Mp3z-Techno-Dance $nick Banned: Known Spambot Reply via CTCP Finger. }