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A wierd bug in egg 1.6.15 ?

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A wierd bug in egg 1.6.15 ?

Post by Fluxism »

Lo all,

I've set up my conf file as below, so when the bot is deopped etc, it will regain ops etc by msg chanserv.

Code: Select all

channel add #eggy {
  chanmode "+cCnNpt-rDikm"
  idle-kick 0
  stopnethack-mode 0
  revenge-mode 3
  aop-delay 0:0
  ban-time 0
  exempt-time 60
  invite-time 60
  need-op { putquick "PRIVMSG Q :OP #eggy" }
  need-invite { putquick "PRIVMSG Q :CLEARCHAN #eggy" }
  need-key { putquick "PRIVMSG Q :CLEARCHAN #eggy" }
  need-unban { putquick "PRIVMSG Q :BANCLEAR #eggy" }
  need-limit { putquick "PRIVMSG Q :CLEARCHAN #eggy" }
  flood-chan 5:1
  flood-deop 4:10
  flood-kick 3:10
  flood-join 5:60
  flood-ctcp 3:60
  flood-nick 5:60
Now for some wierd reason this wont work (whereas it always has in the past). But, if I do this;

Code: Select all

 .chanset #eggy need-op putquick "PRIVMSG Q :OP #eggy"
Then it will work!

I've also tried the other way, adding this to the conf file;

Code: Select all

need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG Q :OP #eggy" }
..Which wont work but adding the command with .chanset will!

I really dont understand why it is doing this - it never has in the past. Would someone point out the obvious to me - what am I missing?

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Post by strikelight »

Channel file settings override eggdrop.conf settings,
so any changes you make in the .conf will not have an effect on already added channels. Thus, you must use .chanset for already added channels.
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Post by Fluxism »

Thanks for the reply m8,

But this isnt the case here, as this is a brand-new-just-compiled bot, so the conf file settings are ok.
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Post by strikelight »

It is the case. You started the bot, the channel was created, it saved the static channel info to the channel file... then you went back and editted the need-* settings in the .conf (wrongly so). To verify, kill your bot, delete your channel file and the channel file backup, and re-start your bot.

either that, or you are editting the wrong file, or not uploading it properly.
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Post by Fluxism »

Nope, not the case at all.

Channel settings are taken from the .conf file to start with, then saved to *.chan file after that.

The commands for op / unban etc were in the conf file before I even started the bot for the first time, so therefore are valid. I didnt alter anything with a .chanset command once the bot was online untill I realised the bot wasnt requesting ops after I deopped it to test, then I did .chanset.
To verify, kill your bot, delete your channel file and the channel file backup, and re-start your bot.
Tried this before I posted here funnily enough, and guess what? Didnt work.
..or you are editting the wrong file, or not uploading it properly..
Yeah right. Which other chan/conf file am I editing? There is only one of each you know :wink:

This is why I posted, because i know I am doing everything correctly, and it should work exactly as it was with the conf file shown in my first post - tell me I'm wrong.

This has to be some strange one off compile bug or somesuch. Have to recompile the bot again I guess.

offtopic/Does anyone know when 1.6.16 might be out?[/b]
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Post by strikelight »

Fluxism wrote: Yeah right. Which other chan/conf file am I editing? There is only one of each you know :wink:
For example, you may be editting/uploading eggdrop.conf in ~/eggdrop1.6.15 instead of in ~/eggdrop

Fluxism wrote: Tried this before I posted here funnily enough, and guess what? Didnt work.
You are sure you deleted the backup channel file as well?
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Post by Fluxism »

Lo again strikelight,

Yep, I did delete the *~bak file aswell.

It's a very wierd bug. One I bet I couldn't repeat..

I spent a while going through the chanset commands and adding what I wanted the bot to do, think I'll admit defeat over this one, and wait for the next release, then do a fresh compile.

Thanks for all the help ;)