the eggdrop should get the channel list with /list, organize it (by alphabetical or number of people.. whatever) and put it on a webpage on the local apache
Offtopic now, but anyway...
I am working on a module for eggdrop wich logs channel activity to a mysql database and also always keeps a database with channelusers up to date.
The module itself doesn't use the information to do any sense of it, that's up to third party scripts and modules. Seen scripts, online scripts (the module tracks how long a user has been in the channel) and ofcourse channelstatistics is easy to do - on a webpage or inside the bot itself.
Why I'm braging here about my module is that I want some betatesters and feedback, it's for my own use right now but I'm gladly shareing it with others. Just drop me a mail and I send you the current devloplent package.
Right now the loging seems stable, I'm working on the userdatabase functions.