may be this got asked before, but anyway, is there any way to disable the /msg commands completely ?
I used unbind like it is in the conf for addhost and so on, but I would like to disable the use of /msg completely.
That will check once an hour, and remove all msg binds.bind time - "01 *" unbind:time
proc unbind:time {min hour day month year} {
foreach a [binds msg] {
unbind msg [lindex $a 1] [lindex $a 2] [lindex $a 4]
What about rebind them all to the same proc, and that proc is a "I'm telling the user I don't support /msg for security reasons, and advice to join the partyline"?On 2001-12-16 17:54, ppslim wrote:
It is inpossible to remove the use of msg bind completely, as it is needed internaly by eggdrop
That will check once an hour, and remove all msg binds.bind time - "01 *" unbind:time
proc unbind:time {min hour day month year} {
foreach a [binds msg] {
unbind msg [lindex $a 1] [lindex $a 2] [lindex $a 4]
Can someone rewrite this, so that ALL msgs point to such a message?catch "unbind msg -|- op *msg:op"
bind msg - op give_ops
proc give_ops {nick host hand text} {
global botnick
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Soory $nick, but I do no longer accept 02/msg $botnick OP <password>02. Please join the partyline and gain @ by typing ".op"! (02/dcc chat $botnick02)"
This should provide a notice, telling the user, such a message command is no longer supported. Which command is displayed, but not it's usage, else it would be a larger script.proc msg:replace {nick uh hand arg} {
global lastbind botnick
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Sorry $nick - I no longer support the "/msg ${botnick{ ${lastbind}" command for security reasons"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :You should join the partyline from no on"
foreach a [binds msg] {
if {[lindex $a 2] != "msg:replace"} {
unbind msg [lindex $a 1] [lindex $a 2] [lindex $a 4]
bind msg - [lindex $a 2] msg:replace