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Help Please

Post by Carnage69 »

Can someone help me with this script??

Code: Select all

bind pub S .set tb_set
bind pub - .roster tb_roster

proc tb_set { nick chan hand host cmd arg } {
global set botnick
  set command [lindex $arg 1]
  switch -exact [string tolower $command] {
    "" {
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Roster Leagues Record Sponsors Servers Website Scrims Auto-Voice Auto-OP GotFrag"
    "roster" {
      if { $arg == "" } {
      putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002Usage:\002 .set Roster Roster Here."
      } else {
      channel set $chan roster "$arg"
      putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002Roster:\002 [channel get $chan roster]"

proc tb_roster { nick host chan } {
    global roster
    putserv "NOTICE $nick :\0002Roster:\002 [channel get $chan roster]"
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Post by CrazyCat »

Caesar, kill him :)
Carnage69, you'd better tell us what's wrong with this script, do you really think we'll try it for you?
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Post by ]Kami[ »

Hehe, yesterday evening, i didnt had something to do, and i tryed it, didnt worked aswell, if you want scrit for clan or something similar (to add members), i typed this.But im not 100% what you need, i hope i undertood good...

Code: Select all

bind pub - .set proc_set
proc proc_set {nick uhost handle channel arg} { 
  set file roster
  if {![file exists $file]} {close [open $file w]} 
  set io [open $file a] 
  puts $io $arg
  close $io 
  putserv "NOTICE $nick :Members sucefull added to member list..." 

bind pub - .roster proc_roster
proc proc_roster {nick uhost handle channel arg} { 
  set file roster
  if {![file exists $file]} {close [open $file w]} 
  set io [open $file r] 
  set list "" 
  while {![eof $io]} { 
    gets $io line 
    if {[string trim $line] == ""} {continue} 
    lappend list $line 
  close $io 
  set message "\0002Roster\002 :" 
  putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$message" 
  foreach line $list { 
    putquick "PRIVMSG $channel :$line" 
I didnt had time to test it, but it should work.Its working like this.When you type .set Someguy, bot write this "member" to file named roster (you type like this: .set <member nick>).Then when you want to show all members on chan, type on chan .roster, and bot will list you all members.I didnt saw that you need thing to delete members from list, so if you maybe need this thing to remove members, tell it and ill add it..

Just this, which game are you playing ?
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Post by Carnage69 »

well thanks but 1 thing it really wasent what i was looking for :( i was looking for something were someone typed .set it noticed them set options then when someone types .set roster it set the roster whole line in the db btw nice thinking on the db this was just roster i was going to add more set options on later thanks!

btw i play cod and cs

and also can u make it write to the db called $chan the channel they set so eatch channel can have a diff one also there would be more set things in there

thanks alot.
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Post by Carnage69 »

also how would i contact you.... if u want to contact me my channel is and #TeamBots
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Post by ]Kami[ »

hehehe, i was on gamesnet some days, and also on this channel :p
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Post by Carnage69 »

can u please help me with that script that i mentioned on my last post