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Need .nicks or .nicklist for a relay script

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 29
Joined: Fri Oct 03, 2003 6:15 pm

Need .nicks or .nicklist for a relay script

Post by masterstanf2k »

As the topic says... I'm looking for a way to do .nicks or .nicklist (preferably .nicklist) in the clink.tcl script. This is the script-
# clink.tcl Channel Linker v1.2
# Written by {SImPhAt}, May 6th 2002
# This script lets you link channels (as many as you
# like) on different (or same) IRC Networks using 2 or
# more eggdrops.
# Messages are sent in a botnet-link connection.
# Easy to configure.
# Join, Part, Nick change, Quit, Kick, Msgs and
# Actions (/me) are currently relayed.
# Tested on eggdrop v1.6.x (3 bots) relaying between 3
# different channels.
# E-mail questions or comments to
# I'd like to know who is using my script and where, just to
# see it live in action =).
# Changes since 1.0:
# 1) Linking of channels that do not have the same name
# (ex: linking #help with
# 2) Spelling correction in "nick as joined #chan" should be has
# 3) Stupid bug showing empty () on kick/part/quit with no reason
# 4) Tested everything with 3 channels/networks/bots.
# 1) Flood protection.
# 2) List current nicks on the linked side (.names).
# 3) Remote topic change, kick/ban, op.
# Configuration
# Note: I was relaying #clink.qc(Quebec-Chat) and
# #clink.un(Undernet) all together (those 3 eggdrops where using the
# same .tcl source).
# CLink-QC on Quebec-Chat, CLink-IO on Ionical and CLink-UN on Undernet.
# Nickname (botnet-nick) of the bots who are involved in the relaying.
# Enter all of them, case-sensitive.
set clink_botnicks {"LilBobby" "LilJeff")
# The channel(s) you want to relay messages from and the bot that is on.
# You need to "set network 'Network-Name'" in your bot(s) .conf file.
# If you don't want to waste time searching what you put there, simply
# .rehash your bot with clink.tcl loaded and you should see something like:
# clink.tcl: I am CLink-UN running on Undernet.
# --- Network-Name -------------------^^^^^^^^
# Loaded clink.tcl: {SImPhAt} Channel Linker v1.x
# Case-sensitive.
# Syntax: set clink_onchan(#chan@network) "bot-name"
set clink_onchan(#linux@StarFusion) "LilJeff"
set clink_onchan(#linux@OCIRC) "LilBobby"
# The channel(s) where you want the messages to be relayed.
# For each channels you need to tell where you want everything
# to be sent to.
# Case-sensitive.
# Syntax: set clink_relayto(#from_chan@network1) {"#destination_chan@network2"}
set clink_relayto(#linux@OCIRC) {"#linux@StarFusion"}
set clink_relayto(#linux@StarFusion) {"#linux@OCIRC"}
# Should we add colors to join, part, nick, quit,
# action, etc.
set clink_usecolor 1
# Do you want me to display the network name?
set clink_relaynet 0
# Characters to use when displaying the nicknames in channels msgs.
# Exemples:
# <Nickname> hello
# set clink_charmsgs {"<" ">"}
# (Nickname) hello
set clink_charmsgs {"(" ")"}
# Script, you should *not* need to change
# anything below.
bind pubm - * clink_chanpubm
bind nick - * clink_channick
bind sign - * clink_chanquit
bind kick - * clink_chankick
bind join - * clink_chanjoin
bind part - * clink_chanpart
bind ctcp - "ACTION" clink_chanacti
bind bot - clink clink_botdat

# Colors settings (Default: mIRC style)
if {$clink_usecolor == 1} {
set clink_color(pubm) ""
set clink_color(nick) "\0033"
set clink_color(quit) "\0032"
set clink_color(kick) "\0033"
set clink_color(join) "\0033"
set clink_color(part) "\0033"
set clink_color(acti) "\0036"
} else {
set clink_color(pubm) ""
set clink_color(nick) ""
set clink_color(quit) ""
set clink_color(kick) ""
set clink_color(join) ""
set clink_color(part) ""
set clink_color(acti) ""
# Done

# Check current configuration
if {${botnet-nick} == ""} {
set {botnet-nick} $nick
putlog "clink.tcl: Warning: botnet-nick not defined in .conf file, using \"$nick\"."
if {[lsearch $clink_botnicks ${botnet-nick}] == -1} {
die "clink.tcl: Fatal: Bot \"${botnet-nick}\" not defined in clink_botnicks. Please edit clink.tcl and check your configuration."
if {$network == "unknown-net"} {
putlog "clink.tcl: Warning: network not defined in .conf file, using \"unknown-net\"."
# Done

proc clink_botsend {chan param} {
global clink_onchan {botnet-nick} network clink_relayto
foreach clink_relaychan $clink_relayto($chan@$network) {
if {[lsearch -exact [bots] $clink_onchan($clink_relaychan)] == -1} {
putlog "clink.tcl: Warning: bot $clink_onchan($clink_relaychan) not linked."
} else {
putbot $clink_onchan($clink_relaychan) "clink $chan $network $param"
proc clink_chanpubm {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global clink_onchan network
if {[info exist clink_onchan($chan@$network)]} {
clink_botsend $chan [concat "pubm" [clink_cleannick $nick] $text]
proc clink_channick {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
global clink_onchan network
if {[info exist clink_onchan($chan@network)]} {
clink_botsend $chan [concat "nick" [clink_cleannick $nick] [clink_cleannick $newnick]]
proc clink_chanquit {nick uhost hand chan reason} {
global clink_onchan network
if {[info exist clink_onchan($chan@$network)]} {
clink_botsend $chan [concat "quit" [clink_cleannick $nick] $uhost $reason]
proc clink_chankick {nick uhost hand chan knick reason} {
global clink_onchan network
if {[info exist clink_onchan($chan@$network)]} {
clink_botsend $chan [concat "kick" [clink_cleannick $nick] [clink_cleannick $knick] $reason]
proc clink_chanjoin {nick uhost hand chan} {
global clink_onchan network
if {[info exist clink_onchan($chan@$network)]} {
clink_botsend $chan [concat "join" [clink_cleannick $nick] $uhost]
proc clink_chanpart {nick uhost hand chan reason} {
global clink_onchan network
if {[info exist clink_onchan($chan@$network)]} {
clink_botsend $chan [concat "part" [clink_cleannick $nick] $uhost $reason]
proc clink_chanacti {nick uhost hand chan action text} {
global clink_onchan network
if {[info exist clink_onchan($chan@$network)]} {
clink_botsend $chan [concat "acti" [clink_cleannick $nick] $action $text]
proc clink_botdat {bot clink param} {
global clink_relaynet clink_color clink_charmsgs clink_relayto network
if {$clink_relaynet == 1} {
set clink_network "\[[lindex $param 1]\] "
} else {
set clink_network ""
if {[lrange $param 5 end] != ""} {
set reason "\([lrange $param 5 end]\)"
} else {
set reason ""
set clink_destchan [lindex [split [lindex $clink_relayto([lindex $param 0]@[lindex $param 1]) [lsearch -glob $clink_relayto([lindex $param 0]@[lindex $param 1]) "*@$network"]] @] 0]
switch [lindex $param 2] {
pubm { putserv "PRIVMSG $clink_destchan :$clink_network$clink_color(pubm)[lindex $clink_charmsgs 0][lindex $param 3][lindex $clink_charmsgs 1] [lrange $param 4 end]" }
nick { putserv "PRIVMSG $clink_destchan :$clink_network$clink_color(nick)*** [lindex $param 3] is now known as [lindex $param 4]" }
quit { putserv "PRIVMSG $clink_destchan :$clink_network$clink_color(quit)*** [lindex $param 3] \([lindex $param 4]\) Quit $reason" }
kick { putserv "PRIVMSG $clink_destchan :$clink_network$clink_color(kick)*** [lindex $param 4] was kicked by [lindex $param 3] $reason" }
join { putserv "PRIVMSG $clink_destchan :$clink_network$clink_color(join)*** [lindex $param 3] \([lindex $param 4]\) has joined [lindex $param 0]" }
part { putserv "PRIVMSG $clink_destchan :$clink_network$clink_color(part)*** [lindex $param 3] \([lindex $param 4]\) has left [lindex $param 0] $reason" }
acti { putserv "PRIVMSG $clink_destchan :$clink_network$clink_color(acti)* [lindex $param 3] [lrange $param 5 end]" }
default { putlog "clink.tcl: Warning: unknown action type \"[lindex $param 2]\" for [lindex $param 0]." }
proc clink_cleannick {nick} {
if {[string range $nick 0 0] == "\{"} {
set nick "\\$nick"
return $nick
putlog "clink.tcl: I am ${botnet-nick} running on $network."
putlog "Loaded clink.tcl: {SImPhAt} Channel Linker v1.2"
BTW, I don't think I even configured it right... lol... but anyways.... looking for the .nicklist feature so that on one side of the relay... people can see who's on the other. THX :)
Posts: 29
Joined: Fri Oct 03, 2003 6:15 pm

Post by masterstanf2k »

that's an OLD version. OLD values. Anyways, can anyone help me with this? How can I make the .name or .names work? THX