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Password incorrect?

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Password incorrect?

Post by Spock7291 »

I made some changes to my eggbot conf file, uploaded it, and did a .rehash which seemed to work except I got the following:
[13:49] <StatsBot> Rehashing.
[13:49] <StatsBot> [13:50] Rehashing ...
[13:49] <StatsBot> [13:50] Listening at telnet port 3315 (all)
[13:49] <StatsBot> [13:50] Userinfo TCL v1.07 loaded (URL BF GF IRL EMAIL DOB PHONE ICQ).
[13:49] <StatsBot> [13:50] use '.help userinfo' for commands.
[13:49] <StatsBot> [13:50] Userfile loaded, unpacking...
[13:49] <StatsBot> [13:50] -NickServ ( Password incorrect.
I am using Anope services and have never had any problem with it before ...
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Post by Turambar »

did you check if the password is correct before posting something like that here??
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Post by Spock7291 »

Yes I did and it never complains when I do a server rehash which is why I thought it would be something related to the bot ...
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Post by Turambar »

oh man you really confuse me.

What do the irc services have to do with a server rehash? nothing. I suggest you check again the spelling of the nick's password if nickserv still complaints, drop the nickname and reregister it.
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Post by Spock7291 »

Turambar wrote:...What do the irc services have to do with a server rehash?...
You're right. I restarted the services and got no errors.

Now when I do a .rehash on the bot, I get no error message. :o

One of lifes little mysteries I guess. I got the initial error indication from the bot, but the problem evidently was elsewhere.

Thanks for suggesting I get my head out of may a$$ and look for the real problem! :oops:
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Post by Turambar »

ok so you did rehash the services not the ircd :-)
and as said everything with the services is certainly correct, just check the passwords and corresponding nicks twice