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[ot] : jump from an irc server to another one with a link

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[ot] : jump from an irc server to another one with a link

Post by virtuoso »


on a website,ive seen that by clicking on a link like this :


your irc client will be called and you will be connected to the server and room written on the link. i've tried to use it on a different server and room because i find very useful to jump from a server to another one,while already connected to irc. but it doesn't works. how can i fix it ?
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Post by Turambar »

what exactly doesn't work?
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Post by virtuoso »

link can be clicked only when its written in a webpage. if u write it in a topic,u can't click it.
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Post by ppslim »

You mean the topic or text of a channel window?

That is down to the client you are using.

If you are using mIRC, according to there forums, this has been requested a few times, and people don't like the idea.

However, there are quite a few threads on the mIRC forums, showing scripts that can be used for that purpose/
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Post by Turambar »

hmm yeah, seems that mirc (didn't try it with others) just recognises http url's. The other example you gave there your browser handles it and just passes it along to your irc client
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Post by virtuoso »

can u post a script ,if u know one ? thanks
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Re: ddd

Post by GodOfSuicide »

virtuoso wrote:link can be clicked only when its written in a webpage. if u write it in a topic,u can't click it.
you can also execute it from anywhere (Start -> run, or commandline, or a link(*.lnk), whatever, the direct click is just a matter of the client if it recognizes "irc://" as a link or just some text.

same as it is with "ut://ip:port" for a UT gameserver, "ed2k://something" for edonkey and so on

here is some windows registry code i use for my ed2k link interceptor:

Code: Select all


"URL Protocol"="" 




@="C:\PLink.exe %1"
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Post by virtuoso »

i want that everyone is able to jump from ircnet room #aaaa to dalnet room #bbbb only by clicking a link that i will write on the topic of the room #aaaa on ircnet or as welcome message...
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Post by GodOfSuicide »

it's just a clientside setting if irc:// links are recognized

but : you could notice them a website that automaticaly redirects to the irc://server:port/channel
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Post by ppslim »

What you are askign for here is to be able to jump from one server to another suing a link.

This works fine as you ahve shown if you are not connected. If you are connected it doesn't work.

This is a client side settings and it is upto a clien tto change it and not you. You have no control over other peoples computers.

You can recomend that they change there setting to allow it, but that is about all.

This forum is for eggdrop, and and each client is different in what it does.

I recomend seeing the website for the client in question.