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problem with # char in eggdrop.conf

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 9:47 am

Post by fireworks »

Javier yes but first, since you added your chan with flag k for key try adding the key word in the conf file and see if the bot still fails. Other than that I think your add line looks okey

If it doesn't work, make sure you enabled module ctcp on your bot, comment the add channel part out (disable it ), run the bot and when it's on IRC (either /whois botnick untill you get a reply or add it to your notify list so you'll be notified when it has arrived ) and when it's on IRC assuming you haven't introduced yourself to it yet, type in your mIRC status window (or whatever IRC client you use )

/msg botnick hello
or any other word you binded instead of hello if you were smart enough

bot then will greet you and tell you you're it's owner
next you have to set a password

/msg botnick pass thepasswordyouwant

you should now be set to move on. Type:

/ctcp botnick chat

the bot then should contact you and ask for your name (enter your IRC name exactly as it shows on IRC at the moment, cause this is how you introduced yourself to it)

next the bot asks for your password
enter the password you set for yourself a minute ago

you should be then in the partyline and from there you can add your channels and set all other settings you want
type .help in the partyline to see all avaiable help commands

replace botnick with your bot's handle :)

good luck
Last edited by fireworks on Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:59 am

Post by Javier »

got it :roll:

The problem was a commented line under into channel add block. :evil:
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:59 am

Post by Javier »

Thanks fireworks!
The bot is not in the channel yet, so i'll try this that you said.
Posts: 12
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Post by Javier »

I have uncommented the blowfish module line and all is working properly now.
Many thanks to everybody. :wink:
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Post by Turambar »

you're welcome :-)