I have an eggdrop in a help channel.
i am searching for 2 particular tcl scripts that do the following:
1. When someone in the channel uses a trigger like !help , the bot to open a dcc chat with the user and to paste a message which is located in a file..
2. Protection from notice flood in the channel coming from clone bots with different hosts,masks and nicks..
Anyone knows scripts that can do the above or have any other ideas would be helpfull.
Thank you very much for your time.
If you can actually manage to get eggdrop to excess flood (without deliberatly bypassing the queing mechnanism), then this is a bug and should be reported. Eggdrop is designed never to excess flood itself off, and the only times I've ever seen that happen is during times of big network congestion, when the server is lagged to hell.