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Posting phpBB2 forum latest posts 2 irc Channel

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Posting phpBB2 forum latest posts 2 irc Channel

Post by MrXs »

hi , first of all hello to all members / mods / admins and that guy slennox ( hehe nice site m8 - thanks :))

anyway i have phpbb2 on a server different to the eggdrops, what i want to do is when a new post is posted on the forum i want it so the eggdrop then posts the announment for the forum post in the irc channel. ( new post : topic title here and link etc . )

is there a tcl script already available for this ? , i searched the net etc but found nothing.

can any one point me in the correct direction

thanks :)
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Nov 30, 2002 6:54 am

Post by PLUGGER »

i have been looking for something like this for months, alas no luck, so give me a shout if you find something
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2003 7:35 pm
Location: Asheville, NC, USA

Post by TLM »

It should not be that hard to write. Especialy seeing how there is a MySQL mod that allows for quries. Only problem it would not be ASAP posting, would have to relay on some timers to execute a funtion to query the database for a change. Then if change from last query would need to query again for the new relevent data needed for topic and to construct the URL.

In short, I am working on this idea for YaBB SE not phpBB2 but probly could be quickly adapted.