(perve) [18:44] * Last context: tclhash.c/676 [TCL proc: *dcc:+host, param: $_dcc1 $_dcc2 $_dcc3]
(perve) [18:44] * Please REPORT this BUG!
(perve) [18:44] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
(perve) [18:44] * Wrote DEBUG
and here is the debug
Debug (eggdrop v1.6.7) written Mon Dec 24 18:44:43 2001
Full Patch List:
TCL library: /usr/lib/tcl8.0
TCL version: 8.0.5 (header version 8.0)
Compile flags: gcc -pipe -g -O2 -Wall -I.. -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
Link flags: gcc -pipe
Strip flags: strip
Context: tclhash.c/676, [TCL proc: bs_chon, param: $_chonof1 $_chonof2]
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/672, []
tclhash.c/676, [TCL proc: *chon:console:chon, param: $_chonof1 $_chonof2]
tclhash.c/672, []
tclhash.c/676, [TCL proc: bs_chjn, param: $_chjn1 $_chjn2 $_chjn3 $_chjn4 $_chjn5 $_chjn6]
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/672, []
tclhash.c/676, [TCL proc: *chon:notes, param: $_chonof1 $_chonof2]
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/672, []
tclhash.c/676, [TCL proc: *chon:channels:chon, param: $_chonof1 $_chonof2]
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/672, []
tclhash.c/676 [TCL proc: *dcc:+host, param: $_dcc1 $_dcc2 $_dcc3]
---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
4 D01B4526 33355 (telnet) * lstn 33355
5 00000000 0 (dns) dns (ready)
6 DEADF00D 8236 livestats * lstn port
7 D01B4526 8222 (script) bounce_con lstn 8222
16 3FA8F3B6 6723 Chum ke.it.anymore.net bot flags: pUCosgwliA
12 3FA8F3B8 6533 rookie .am.i.lagging.net bot flags: pUCosgwliA
9 3FA8F24F 15458 Oral eft.on.irc.ave.st bot flags: pUCosgwliA
13 3FA8F24A 15461 Perve 2@dial74.linux.am bot flags: pUCosgwliA
11 417459CE 13112 Sonata st@barbaforte.org bot flags: pUCosgwliA
17 417459D1 13113 BABALOO .nyc.freenet6.org bot flags: pUCosgwliA
15 417459DB 13111 SocraTeas ulst@freenet6.org bot flags: pUCosgwliA
8 D01B454F 48711 mantis as.is.a.52inch.tv bot flags: puCOsgwliA
18 CDBCFDE5 6667 (server) irc04.icq.com serv (lag: 0)
19 3FA8F24A 23746 kirra 2@dial74.linux.am chat flags: cpTep/0
Compiled without extensive memory debugging (sorry).
Open sockets: 4 (listen), 5 (passed on), 6 (listen), 7 (listen), 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 15, 18, 17, 19, 20 (file), done.