ok i'v been trying for the last week to get dcc working on my bot and i'v ran into a brick wall. it seems that i can dcc chat my self on my irc client but i can't dcc the bot on IRC. i can telnet into the bot with no problems. and the bot get on the channel just fine. but i can dcc chat to it at all the host mask is ~eggdrop@xx.xxx.com and so on how can i change that host mask to something else. it seems to be the probelm i think or its a port problem put i'm perty sure its somethng like that i have a port range set in my .conf file saying
set reserved-portrange 2010:2020
can anyone help me out on this probelm would be great..
How about giving us more info on this matter, like what client are you using, eggdrop version, and also eggdrop's output from when you try to DCC to him would help a lot (first telnet to the bot, then try to DCC and see what eggdrop reports).