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no Reactions on irc on ctcp-chat , message and most of trigg

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no Reactions on irc on ctcp-chat , message and most of trigg

Post by Aurel »

really scary !
the bot worked very fine. installed at a local linuxpc, connected via router to the inet...

it really worked fine until i reconnected to my isp... after that, my bot seams nearly to be deaf... /msg botnick id(ent) password doesnt work anymore /ctcp botnick chat too ...
i tested it... no triggers are working exept the qstat4eggdrop ...
i tried everything. rehash, restart, die ...

regular telnet-connections via telnet are possible...

can sonmeone help me ?
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2004 5:05 am
Location: USA

Post by MadEye »

since ur behind a firewall (ur router) the bot might not initiate the dcc chat (although it should)
so instead of /ctcp botnick chat try /dcc chat botnick. it might work.

Post by Aurel »

i guess u missunderstood :)

it worked very well until the reconnect...
both computer - the windows and linux are in the same lan...

/dcc chat isnt working

in the chat-window:
Chat with Eggdrop
Waiting for acknowledgement...

in the Telnet-Connection:

[12:52:34] <Eggdrop> [12:49] -[FK]Aurel ( DCC Chat (
[12:52:34] <Eggdrop> [12:49] CTCP DCC: CHAT chat 3655580033 22106 from [FK]Aurel (
[12:52:34] <EEggdrop> [12:49] DCC connection: CHAT ([FK]Aurel!
[12:52:34] <Eggdrop> [12:49] DCC lost connection [FK]Aurel (

and i jsut deinstalled the firewall... no change at all ...

at the moment its not that bad at all, as i just compiled the bot... i deleted the user-file and the chan-file restarted with -m and introduced myself again... everything fine again... but this musst not happen later .-/
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2004 5:05 am
Location: USA

Post by MadEye »

that is weired .. glad that u were able to get it running again. prolly it was something in the userfile afterall.