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stop the eggdrop from receiving files

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Joined: Fri May 16, 2003 6:52 pm

stop the eggdrop from receiving files

Post by virtuoso »

i can send files to my eggdrop using the dcc because i've enabled the module filesystem. now i see that a lot of peoples are sending porno pictures to it and i want to stop the eggdrop from receiving files in dcc. i will enable it if i will need to do it. how can i do it ? the problem is that if i disable it,to re-enable it,i should make changes in the configuration file,but i can't because i have access to them only using the module filesystem.
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Post by strikelight »

Your bot should not be accepting files from strange users, even with the filesystem enabled. The only way, would be if you had given out the +x user flag to these users (and/or you have a user record with a very vague hostmask on your bot).