i'm using badchan 1.0 by Bass of Undernet's #eggdrop (bass@tclslave.net)and this is my question if anyone can help me i'd appreciate it alot..
heres the error it's giving well not actually a error just what it says in dcc chat
[18:03] bchan: Flood detected from pov`.
heres the flood options u can set
#same as other flood-prot setting.
set bc_flood 3:30
heres the code:
proc bc_flood {nick uhost} {
global bc_flood_num bc_flood_time bc_flood_array
if {$bc_flood_num == 0} {return 0}
set i [expr $bc_flood_num - 1]
while {$i >= 1} {
set bc_flood_array($i) $bc_flood_array([expr $i - 1])
incr i -1
set bc_flood_array(0) [unixtime]
if {[expr [unixtime] - $bc_flood_array([expr $bc_flood_num - 1])] <= $bc_flood_time} {
putlog "bchan: Flood detected from $nick."
#newignore [join [maskhost *!*[string trimleft $uhost ~]]] bchan flood 2
return 1
} {return 0}
the question is what is htis suppose to do is it suppose to ignore the person doing it or what? i see this line is commented out so it wouldn't do anything really right?
this line here
#newignore [join [maskhost *!*[string trimleft $uhost ~]]] bchan flood 2
and the other question is why would u put in a flood protection in a bad channel script all it does is kick and ban someone if there in a certain room??
and will it work if i uncommented that line out? i wanna see what it'll do if i do..
and if u wanted protection wouldn't u make it ban the person not ignore them??
sorry for making this so long guys.. just curious why they did this?
sorry again and thanks for any help u can give me on this : )
oh 1 more thang is 1.6.8 out yet and is it final or still in testing?