You must use chanlist like this:
Code: Select all
(13:30:19) (@Rusher2K) !tcl set chans [chanlist #sicherheit &n]
(13:30:19) (S-Check) result: Rusher2K whitewolf2k biG|d3sti`off - clicks: 75493
That retuns all channel owners of #sicherheit.
chanlist <channel> [flags[&chanflags]]
Description: flags are any global flags; the '&' denotes to look for channel specific flags. Examples:
Global Owner
Channel Owner
Global Op, Channel Master
Returns: list of nicknames currently on the bot's channel that have all of the flags specified;. If no flags are given, all of the nicknames are returned. Please note that if you're executing chanlist after a part or sign bind, the gone user will still be listed, so you can check for wasop, isop, etc.