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banning nickname which has joined and unban oldest bans

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banning nickname which has joined and unban oldest bans

Post by entrapmen »

Code: Select all

set nekadarban 120

# 1: *!*hesap@*.domain   *!*hesap@A.B.C.*
# 2: *!*@domain          *!*@A.B.C.D
# 3: Nick!*@*
set bancesidi 2

set Ban "banned: Reklam yapmayınız..!"

bind join - "*gulcinn*" kotunick
bind join - "*Afet^*" kotunick
bind join - "*Ebru_*" kotunick

global versi bancesidi

set versi "Kotu kızlar out by entrapmen"
proc kotunick {nick uhost hand chan} {
putlog "$nick $uhost $hand $chan"

  global botnick nekadarban Ban versi bancesidi
		set domain [string range $uhost [expr [string last @ $uhost] +1] end]
 	switch $bancesidi {
	  1 {set sitemask "*!*[string trimleft [maskhost $uhost] *!]"}
	  2 {set sitemask "*!*@$domain"}
	set chan "#denemee"
	if {(([matchattr $hand p]) || ([matchattr $hand b]))} { return 1 }
	if {![isop $nick $chan] || ![isvoice $nick $chan]} {
	putquick "mode $chan +b $sitemask $nekadarban"
	putquick "KICK $chan $nick :$Ban"
putlog "\[$versi\] Yuklendi"
i make tcl like dat, in this script bot bans the *!*@domain or host@domain. and also i wanna ban the nickname that joined the channel like Nick!*@*. (there is ban limit on server) There are lots of nicks in list (i didnt paste all of them) Maybe some1 will advise to sort it out :)

And i dun wanna open a new topic so ill ask it here:

Code: Select all

bind notc - "Banlist Full" unban_some

proc unban_some {nick uhost hand chan} {
putserv "MODE $chan -bbbbbb oldest6bans!!!!"

i write a lil tcl to unban 6 six bans when the banlist is full. But im a newbie and i couldnt find a solution to unban oldest 6 ban on channel.

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Post by entrapmen »

i found how to ban nick names. but the unbaning oldest 6 ban :cry: :cry: :cry: i wonder why doesnt someone reply to that topic? :( :(
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Post by user »

Something like this? (not tested)

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foreach ban [lrange [lsort -index 2 -int -decreasing [chanbans #chan]] 0 5] {
	pushmode #chan -b $ban
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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Post by entrapmen »

user wrote:Something like this? (not tested)

Code: Select all

foreach ban [lrange [lsort -index 2 -int -decreasing [chanbans #chan]] 0 5] {
	pushmode #chan -b $ban
well it works partly, i add a line like

Code: Select all

putlog "$ban" 
and it shows the right bans. but it doesnt unban them. its about pushmode i think. any idea?[/code]
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Post by entrapmen »

entrapmen wrote:
user wrote:Something like this? (not tested)

Code: Select all

foreach ban [lrange [lsort -index 2 -int -decreasing [chanbans #chan]] 0 5] {
	pushmode #chan -b $ban
well it works partly, i add a line like

Code: Select all

putlog "$ban" 
and it shows the right bans. but it doesnt unban them. its about pushmode i think. any idea?
im using

Code: Select all

 putserv "mode #chan -b $ban"
now, but it unbans like:

[00:19] * denemebotu sets mode: -b *!deneme18@*
[00:19] * denemebotu sets mode: -b *!deneme17@*
[00:19] * denemebotu sets mode: -b *!deneme16@*
[00:19] * denemebotu sets mode: -b *!deneme15@*
[00:19] * denemebotu sets mode: -b *!deneme14@*
[00:19] * denemebotu sets mode: -b *!deneme13@*
[00:24] * denemebotu sets mode: -b *!deneme12@*

is there a way to unban them all with -bbbbbb .. .. . .. ..?
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

why don't you use the bots intern banlist by creating the ban via newchanban? The bot should control the banlist by itself and push the requiered bans on chan when required and remove some to prevent overflow, if you have set the max ban correctly in the .conf file.
De Kus
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