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IRC Bot Proxy Checker

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IRC Bot Proxy Checker

Post by nir0c »

Hey all.

I've been thinking abut this for some time now and I now want to being to write my own IRC Bot. But this isn't going to be just a normal bot who idles there and gives me OP when I join in and the usual. For startes the bot that I weant to create it will have the basic characteristics of a normal bot but I also want the bot to check a proxy list. I would want the bot to be able to check two proxy lists. One will be HTTP and one will be Socks. I will provide the bot with the lists. The bot will check the proxies in those lists at X hour and then the bot will save the first 30 proxies in a text file according to what it is checking. So if the bot was checking HTTPs then once the bot has the first 30 HTTP proxies it will save them to a text file as http.txt, and the same goes for Socks too.
Then when a user joins then channel in which the bot is running in, the bot will do a /notice on whoerver joined the channel and it will tell the user the commands that he/she can use. So if the user types !http, then that would be the trigger for the HTTP.txt list which the bot has just checked and saved as a .txt. The bot will PM the proxies in HTTP.txt to the user who typed the trigger.

And that's all. That's what I would like to create. The only thing is that I don't know what language to use to begin to code my bot. Some of my friends said I should use C some said C#. I don't know. I came here because Eggdrop was created from this language and maybe I can get some help off you.

Thanks in advance for reading this. :D

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Post by stdragon »

That's cool that you want to write your own bot. It doesn't really matter what language you do it in. Eggdrop was written in C for a few reasons. First, C is very portable... almost every platform has a C compiler and standard libraries. Second, it makes it easy to add on to the bot, in the form of modules. Third, many tools have C interfaces, that's why it was so easy to embed Tcl inside the bot.

If you don't have much experience with programming, which may be the case if you're asking what language to do it in, you might want to start with an easier language like Tcl.

Post by nir0c »

Ok. Thanks for that. I had a go at C ages ago, was writting my own Drawing program but gave up half way through. lol. But thanks for the reply :)