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Script for changing the topic

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Posts: 24
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Script for changing the topic

Post by Real »

Hi, I need some help scripting a TCL script :)

It's purpose is for a private clan channel, where line-ups for wars can be made.
If anyone uses

Code: Select all

!avail myname
, it has to add myname to the topic.

In irc this is:

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on 1:TEXT:!avail *{
//set %avail %avail $2 }
So this command writes the names which are already in %avail in %avail again + the new nick (the $2)
How is this done in TCL? I'm having some problems with variables in TCL, so can you help me out here?

Now the editing of the topic. There are a lot of variables which have to be written to the topic every time you change a little thing.

Code: Select all

/availtopic { //Topic #channel %wartype vs %wenemy ][ Date: %wdate Time: %wtime ][ Avail: %avail ]
The variables are changed with !wartype, !wtime commands, but if I know how !avail works, I can make those myself too ofcourse :)

The main problem is that I can't handle variables.

I think this is all for now :)

Big thanks
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Post by Xpert »

Ok, try this code:

Code: Select all

bind pub - !avail pub:avail
proc pub:avail {nick host hand chan text} {
  global avail
  set myname "[lindex $text 1]"
  if {($myname != "") && ([string match -nocase "" "$chan"])} {
    if {$avail == ""} {
      set avail "$myname"
      } else {
      append avail " $myname"
Hope it helps :P
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Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2004 11:27 am

Post by Real »

Code: Select all

proc pub_avail {nick host hand chan text} { 
  global avail 
  set myname "[lindex $text 1]" 
  if {($myname != "") && ([string match -nocase "" "$chan"])} { 
    if {$avail == ""} { 
      set avail "$myname" 
      } else { 
      append avail " $myname" 
    putserv "TOPIC :$wartype $avail"
So this is slightly adjusted from yours.

I have a question though :) There's the $wartype variable, but this variable has to be set with another proc, but I think if you use "set $wartype xxx" the variable will only work for 1 proc. I'm I right?

So I want the variables to remain the entire time. Is this possible?

Sorry if I haven't explained well enough :)
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Post by Xpert »

Use in the first line in your proc:

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global <variables>

Code: Select all

global avail wartype