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login/logout script

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login/logout script

Post by Carnage69 »

hello i am making a login logout script the login command i think works havent tested it yet the .ops command works just the logout command i need it to remove the nick from the file and it is not working can someone please help me thanks!

Code: Select all

bind pub - .login proc_login 
proc proc_login {nick uhost handle channel arg} { 
  set file ops
  if {![file exists $file]} {close [open $file w]} 
  set io [open $file a+] 
  puts $io $nick 
  close $io 
  putserv "NOTICE $nick :You Are Now LOGED IN" 

bind pub - .logout proc_logout 
proc proc_logout {nick uhost handle channel arg} { 
  set file ops
  if {![file exists $file]} {close [open $file w]} 
  set io [open $file r+] 
  puts $io $nick 
  close $io 
  putserv "NOTICE $nick :You Are Now LOGED OUT" 

bind pub - .ops proc_ops
proc proc_ops {nick uhost handle channel arg} { 
  set file ops 
  if {![file exists $file]} {close [open $file w]} 
  set io [open $file r] 
  set list "" 
  while {![eof $io]} { 
    gets $io line 
    if {[string trim $line] == ""} {continue} 
    lappend list $line 
  close $io 
  set message "\0002Available Ops\002 :" 
  putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$message" 
  foreach line $list { 
    putquick "PRIVMSG $channel :$line" 
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Post by Xpert »

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Try this:
bind pub - .logout proc_logout 
proc proc_logout {nick uhost handle channel arg} { 
  set file ops 
  if {![file exists $file]} {close [open $file w]} 
  set in [open $file "r"]
  set out [open ${file}.tmp "w+"] 
  while {![eof $in]} { 
    set line [gets $in] 
    if {![string equal -nocase "$line" "$nick"} { 
      puts $out $line 
  close $in 
  close $out 
  exec "rm $file" 
  exec "cp ${file}.tmp $file" 
  exec "rm ${file}.tmp"
  putserv "NOTICE $nick :You Are Now LOGED OUT" 
Should work, not tested :)
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Post by dollar »

Xpert wrote:

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Try this:
bind pub - .logout proc_logout 
proc proc_logout {nick uhost handle channel arg} { 
  set file ops 
  if {![file exists $file]} {close [open $file w]} 
  set in [open $file "r"]
  set out [open ${file}.tmp "w+"] 
  while {![eof $in]} { 
    set line [gets $in] 
    if {![string equal -nocase "$line" "$nick"} { 
      puts $out $line 
  close $in 
  close $out 
  exec "rm $file" 
  exec "cp ${file}.tmp $file" 
  exec "rm ${file}.tmp"
  putserv "NOTICE $nick :You Are Now LOGED OUT" 
Should work, not tested :)
Why not use TCL's "file" functions?
dollar (or something similar) at:
#eggdrop / #tcl - undernet
#egghelp / #tcl / #eggtcl - efnet / #tcl - quakenet
#eggdrop - ircnet
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doesent work

Post by Carnage69 »

i get this error
[12:26] Tcl error [proc_logout]: missing close-bracket
and i cant find were it is missing
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Post by Xpert »

Oh, my mistake.
Change this:

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if {![string equal -nocase "$line" "$nick"} {

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if {![string equal -nocase "$line" "$nick"]} {
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dont work

Post by Carnage69 »

now i get this
[14:41] Tcl error [proc_logout]: couldn't execute "rm ops": no such file or directory
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Re: dont work

Post by GodOfSuicide »

Carnage69 wrote:now i get this
[14:41] Tcl error [proc_logout]: couldn't execute "rm ops": no such file or directory
dont use exec's, tcl's "file" command provides such a feature
file delete ?-force? ?- -? pathname ?pathname ... ?
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Post by user »

...also, use 'file rename' instead of 'exec cp'+'exec rm'. But why use a file to store those nicks? Storing them in an array would make things alot easier.
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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Post by Ofloo »

not sur if this is what u looking for but from what i can see i gues u are
XplaiN but think of me as stupid