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eggdrop v1.6.15 kicking everybody with same IP on newchanban

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eggdrop v1.6.15 kicking everybody with same IP on newchanban

Post by blues »


I have done an update to v1.6.15 and the eggdrop is now kicking everybody with the same IP on the channel on "newchanban"
In previous versions it was so that only the one person was kicked after that IP was banned.
Also it's kicking channel ops.
I have the channel modes "-enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans +dontkickops"

Any idea?

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Post by caesar »

Do a .chaninfo #channel and be shure thouse modes are like you've said. Also, are you shure is not a tcl script that is doing the kicks?
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.

Post by blues »

Hello caesar,

thank you for the answer.

The chaninfo shows:
Settings for static channel #chat:
Protect modes (chanmode): +tn
Idle Kick after (idle-kick): DON'T!
stopnethack: DON'T!
aop-delay: 5:30
revenge-mode: 1
ban-time: 30
exempt-time: 60
invite-time: 60
Other modes:
-inactive +statuslog -secret +shared
-greet -seen +cycle +dontkickops
-protectops -protectfriends -revenge -revengebot
-bitch -autoop -autovoice -nodesynch
-enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans -autohalfop
+dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
flood settings: chan ctcp join kick deop nick
number: 10 5 5 3 3 0
time : 60 60 60 10 10 0

The tcl script is looking like:
foreach word2 [string tolower $longi] {
if {[string match *$word2* [string tolower $args]]} {
putquick "MODE $chan +b *!*[string range $uhost [string first @ $uhost] e]"
newchanban $chan *!*[string range $uhost [string first @ $uhost] e] "" "Don't swear" 10
putkick $chan $nick "Don't swear"
return 0

Is that correct? And will the bot kick the user if I remove "putkick" after newchanban?

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Post by caesar »

The "-enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans +dontkickops" modes applies only when dealing with it's own punishments like flud or revenge. You should edit that script and make it not ban people you don't want. You have made it place bans on *!*@host so it's kinda doing what you have put it to do. Make an ident@host ban or something similar if you don't want all people with the same IP to be banned and kicked off the channel. Also, instead of doing two "string tolower"'s just do that "string match" with -nocase.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.

Post by blues »

Hello caesar,

changing the banmask isn't a solution because banning on ident/nick isn't effectiv enough for my efforts.
And as I said the same script didn't has any problems with an older eggdrop version.

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Post by caesar »

The eggdrop is doing exactly what you put it to do and it dosen't have AI to decide by itself what actions should be taken in case of whatever so here the TCL scripts jump in. In case of something a tcl script is telling eggdrop what to do. You say you don't want it to ban all people that match the same IP but you want it to place bans on *!*@host this matching all people with the same mask/ip.. decide already.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.

Post by blues »

caesar, I never said that I don't want to ban all people with the same *!*@host but I said that in case of banning "*!*@host" the eggdrop shouldn't kick all people that are currently in the channel with *!*@host.
It should kick only the one who used the bad word by banning that IP at once.
I can only repeat myself that earlier version of eggdrop handled it as I'm saying.

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Post by caesar »

Then check the settings you had on that one and apply to this one. If this fails then downgrade.. :o
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.

Post by blues »

The conf files are the same and downgrading is nearly impossible because of gcc versions.
I asked here because I thought that anybody is knowing more about changes done in the new eggdrop version or maybe someone could has any experience in this matter.

thank you
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Post by stere0 »

the .newchanban with an ip is not so correctly to use because for the eggdrop all the person that match that will be banned. You have to use a more specific flag.
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Post by Alchera »

One of my bots actually monitors a channel for certain offensive words (done because I have a number of Muslim visitors). I have a lot of users that also use cyber cafes; matching IP's. The script uses $nick!$uhost to set a ban for the user that committed the offence without affecting any others.

With *!*@host the bot is doing exactly as requested, banning all matching hosts.

One could also add his AOps/SOps as users in the bot and have the script ignore those with the appropriate matching flag(s):

if {[matchattr $hand flag]} { return 0 }
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