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Small problem with !op script

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Small problem with !op script

Post by Real »


I want to make a script that has this:

Owners (or higher) can use " !op nick " to op this person. Nick is optional, otherwise it will op the person himself.

But I also want the script to let ops in the channel use the command. So everybody who has op, can use " !op nick " too, and that's were the problem is:

Code: Select all

bind pub o|o !op pub_op_own
bind pub - !op pub_op

proc pub_op {nick mask hand chan text} {
 if {[isop $nick $chan]} { 
    set opname "[lindex $text 0]"
	if {$opname != ""} {
	 pushmode $chan +o $opname 

proc pub_op_own {nick mask hand chan text} { 
    set opname "[lindex $text 0]"
	if {$opname == ""} {
       pushmode $chan +o $nick }
	if {$opname != ""} {
	 pushmode $chan +o $opname 
So as I've expected, only the second proc works now, so ops cannot use the !op command.

Any solution to this? Thank you :)
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Post by Papillon »

Code: Select all

bind pub - !op pub_op 

proc pub_op {nick mask hand chan text} { 
	if {[isop $nick $chan] || [matchattr $hand o|o $chan]} { 
		set opname "[lindex $text 0]" 
		if {$opname != "" && [matchattr $hand o|o $chan]} { 
			pushmode $chan +o $nick 
		} elseif {$opname != ""} {
			pushmode $chan +o $opname 
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