Services.tcl by ClubCX will check for ops every 20 minutes, and if neccessary identify to services in order to request ops for any channels in which does not hold ops.
Why 20 minutes? On some nets (and by some I mean DALnet), services can lag by that long, and this prevents duplicate identifications which could lead to the bot being G:lined.
Additionally, the bot will begin an initial ops-checking routine on connection to a server.
Let me know if you find this script better suited to your situation.
- Tom
** NEW: Services.tcl version 1.09 contains support for CSPW, on networks with the X bot. On these nets, the bot will have a different password for each channel it is opped in, known only to the user who added the bot to X. CSPW allows the channel owner to set that password on the bot, which will recall and use the password to Auth when it requires ops. Version 1.09 of services is not public at present, however if there is enough interest, it will be made such.