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Unusual ban placed by my bot. (*!*@*)

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Unusual ban placed by my bot. (*!*@*)

Post by awyeah »


I have some wierd situation here.
Although my bot has lots of tcl scripts
but it sets a ban mode randomly, anytime
on one specific channel only it is monitoring.

I putlog all my tcl procedures but in the end
couldnt find any result for this triggering on
any sort of bind.

The bot places the ban *!*@* randomly when
ever it likes sometimes maybe due when a mass
botnet join occurs, or when I suddenly restart it
and it joins the channel and regains op then it sets
the ban.

Sometimes out of no where it sets the ban and I
have no idea whatso ever is going on.

Code: Select all

* adapter sets mode: +b *!*@*
* adapter sets mode: -b *!*@*
* Navin sets mode: -b adapter!
* Navin sets mode: -ob adapter *!*@*
I made a small script for it to bind on trigger "+b" if it detects that ban, made by someone or itself to remove it when it happens... this is a current temporary solution, which I have made currently to avoid this ban.

If anyone has an idea of what could be wrong, please let me know. The channel I mentioned is quite large around 300+ users but no tcl scripts react when the bot triggers this ban, this is really wierd.

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by j0n »

What "protection" script(s) are you running?

Also, .bans all
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Location: Switzerland

Post by awyeah »

well... I am a scripter I code 90% of the scripts
running on my bots myself.

I think I might have found the problem, I haven't
got any complaint for the bot so far setting that ban.
Maybe it could be due to some unrecognized settings
I used in the .conf file or maybe global/dynamic flood
settings hmm....

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.