well, this will probably be my last query on trigger scripting, how would i make a script to ouput into a given channel if the following command is given...
cs anyone?
then the eggy will output......
I like CS! Play with me! My steams not working though
set output_chan "#channel"
# Here you put chan on which but will msg your output_text
set output_text "bla"
# Here you set text which will bot msg to output_chan ....
bind pub - !something pub:something
proc pub:something {nick host handle chan arg} {
global output_chan output_text
putquick "PRIVMSG $output_chan :$output_text"
When you will type trigger !something (which you can change) in chan, bot will msg channel which you set in set output_chan with text you've set at output_text...
You can also set the eggdrop +greet command
for specific channels and set the greet message.
Then you can set the greet message to the user.
That would be more effective and would stack the
messages in a proper manner even if your channel
has alot of users, which join/part in quick succession
and your bot wouldn't get Excess Flood.
Facebook: jawad@idsia.ch (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
I use similar script that is one i posted above, and my bot never fell max sendq exceted or Excess flood...Even when people joined 60+ clones..Only problem was, that bot was in lagg for about 10 mins lol