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Can't Dcc

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Can't Dcc

Post by Eirwan »

ok...i juz finnis set up my own bot under windows n i use other irc for normal chating,but the strange thing is that i can't dcc to other users. My internet connection is behind a router coz i have a couple of pc, is that the source of the problem?? can i dcc to other users??
Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:51 pm

Post by taliesen »

you need to map DCC ports on your router, whatever ports your irc/bot is set to use for DCC ports are the ports you want to foward, for example 1024-5000 routed to, or whatever your internal ip is, refer to your routers docs for more info on port fowarding.

Post by Eirwan »

ok i trying to configure my router...but what are the port thats irc dcc uses??
Posts: 25
Joined: Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:09 am

Post by puffi »

Also note that for dcc-GET and incoming chat-requests you only need to nat internal traffic to internet.
Everything that you initiate need these ports (usually 1024-5000) to be forwarded to the box the eggdrop runs at.
Hugh Jaskoch

Can't dcc

Post by Hugh Jaskoch »

Router Config : First and foremost when forwarding ports you should consider setting up Static Routing, else your efforts will only be temporary. Depending on the router brand ie. Linksys; fowarded ports are only allowed to be mapped to ONE address so forwarding a broad range isn't a good idea.
Ports for Clients:
113 = IDENT
1024-5000 DCC mirc default which should be changed to not more than twice the # of DCC connections you intend to have at any one time. Just take care that the range of ports don't over lap with the range of ports forwarded to the BOT.
For Example: If you edit mirc dcc port range to 4990-5000 you must forward same in router to the lan address hosting mirc client. Then set bot dcc port range to say 4979-4989 and forward same in router to lan address hosting the bot.
Other issues:
Some IRCD administrators configure their server to only allow dcc connections between mirc or bots that have correct "Local Info" entries in the Local Host and IP Address areas. Some don't.
Offer to help:
Email me at if you desire one on one, step by step assistance to get ya up and DCC'ng.
I can also be found time to time @ 6667 #dbz-unk-fus
Good Luck!!