There are many scripts in the egghelp tcl archive for this purpose.
But they will kick ban a user instead of killing him from the server.
You might want to change the lines in the scripts which contain
putserv "KICK $chan $nick .......
putserv "MODE $chan $nick .......
the same with "putquick", "pushmode"
maybe 'newchanban $chan $banmask .....' or 'newban $banmask ......'
You would have to replace these lines with the kill command
in the tcl script, making sure your bot has an oline and can disconnect
that user from the server as well.
Facebook: (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
Nothing is impossible... You can't keep making requests for someone else to keep doing the simplest of scripts for you... If you are going to need as many scripts as you seem to be requesting, then you really need to learn Tcl for yourself...
bind pub - "!list" evil_word
bind pub - "@locate" evil_word
bind pubm - "*!list*" evil_word
bind pubm - "*@locate*" evil_word
#Set your channel name under the 'el_chan' variable and modify reason and banreason
#to suit your liking (especially if you changed the word).
set el_chan ""
set reason "We \037strictly\037 prohibit the usage of the !list or @locate command, enjoy a 1 hour ban."
set banreason "!list and @locate are for losers."
#Under newchanban, change the 60 to the specified time you want the ban to last (in minutes).
proc evil_word {nick host hand chan args} {
global botnick el_chan banreason reason
if {$chan != $el_chan} {return 0}
if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0}
if {[isop $nick $chan]} {return 0}
newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $banreason 60
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$reason"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$reason"
return 1
Please modify it for kill (instead of ban) --> /kill nick reason