i need some help,
in the ircnet overtakes take often chans with some proxyclones...
the overtaker have in the chan op. i have a script this kicks by limit changes but some overtaker invite the clones and the invite devolve the limit...
The [06:33:54] -Netsurf.DE:#testchan- kkk carries an invitation from willi!mueller@hat.nen.bouncer.und.braucht.kein.girl-fri3nd.de (overriding channel limit). sounds like a channel notice. Catch it in a proc, split the sentence to get them and then do a foreach and deop or whatever you want.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
caesar wrote:The [06:33:54] -Netsurf.DE:#testchan- kkk carries an invitation from willi!mueller@hat.nen.bouncer.und.braucht.kein.girl-fri3nd.de (overriding channel limit). sounds like a channel notice. Catch it in a proc, split the sentence to get them and then do a foreach and deop or whatever you want.
sorry i cant tcl scripting... i have found a InviteBan Script.
This script bans the Inviters but not the User Willi ... i have no idea what i must change. can you please help me ? the ircnet server netsurf make the notice not the user willi .
# NoticeBan1.1 by Pulse
# This script bans anyone who notices the channel, unless it's a bot user with
# +o flag or above, or channel op or channel voice (no flag required).
# Greetings: Xnet #Xnet, #Aus
# Greetings: DALnet #Ankara ops, #Eggdrop Ops, #Botcentral Ops
# Greetings: IRCnet #Tuchola
# Personal greetings: my gf Karolina :), bro, mb@Xnet
# Contact pulse2@o2.pl
# Contact on IRC: Xnet nick Jin, server mirage.xnet.org #Poland #Eggdrop
# DALnet nick Pulse` #b0tz #Eggdrop
# Successfully tested on eggdrop1.6.12, 1.6.6, 1.4.4
# If this script contains any bugs or you would like me to change something,
# don't hesitate to ask :)
# This script can be found on http://cord.nu/~pulse/stuff/tcl
#### History ###
# # # Who - what
# 1.0 Pulse - initial release
# 1.1 Pulse - added: option to turn on script locally, type of punishment, type of banmask
# # #
# Settings
# Chans where the script is supposed to work. "" means all chans where bot is oppeed.
# if you wanna enable script in certain chans set chanz "#channel1 #channel2"
set chanz ""
# Punishment method
# 1 - kick 2 - server ban 3 - local ban, 4 - global ban
set punishm "4"
# Kick Reason
set kickr "Don't use channel notice, \002only\002 channel ops(@)/voices(+) can use it."
# Ban type
# I guess it's enough ;)
# 1 - *!*@host.domain
# 2 - *!ident@host.domain
# 3 - *!*ident@host.domain
# 4 - *!ident@*
# 5 - *!*ident@*
# 6 - nick!*@*
# 7 - nick!ident@*
# 8 - nick!ident@host.doamin
# 9 - nick!*ident@host.domain
# 10 - nick!*@host
set bantype "1"
# Ban reason
set banr "You may \002NOT\002 use channel notice."
# Ban time in mins, 0 = perm ban, will be used only if you set punishm to 3 or 4
set btime "360"
bind NOTC - * NoticeBan
proc NoticeBan {nick uhost handle text dest} {
global botnick punishm kickr banr btime chanz bantype
if {(![validchan $dest]) || (![botisop $dest])} { return 0 }
if {[matchattr $nick mo|mo $dest] || [isop $nick $dest] || [isvoice $nick $dest] || [matchattr $nick o|o $dest]} {return 0}
if {([isbotnick $nick]) || ([string tolower $nick] == "chanserv") || (![onchan $nick $dest])} {return 0}
if {($chanz != "") && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $chanz]] [string tolower $dest]] == -1)} {return 0}
if {$punishm != "1"} {
switch -- $bantype {
1 { set banmask "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" }
2 { set banmask "*!$uhost" }
3 { set banmask "*!*$uhost" }
4 { set banmask "*![lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" }
5 { set banmask "*!*[lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" }
6 { set banmask "$nick!*@*" }
7 { set banmask "$nick![lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" }
8 { set banmask "$nick!$uhost" }
9 { set banmask "$nick!*$uhost" }
10 { set banmask "$nick!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" }
default { set banmask "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" }
return $banmask
if {$punishm == "1"} {
putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr"
if {$punishm == "2"} {
putserv "MODE $dest +b $banmask"
putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr"
if {$punishm == "3"} {
newchanban "$dest" "$banmask" "NoticeBan" "$banr done by (\002$nick\002!$uhost)" "$btime"
putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr"
if {$punishm == "4"} {
newban "$banmask" "NoticeBan" "$banr done by (\002$nick\002!$uhost)" "$btime"
putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr"
return 1
putlog "\037N\037oticeBan1.1 by Pulse has been loaded."
This script will not ban invites specifically.
It will ban anyone who sends a notice to a channel
(no matter what the notice is) where the script is activated.
Facebook: jawad@idsia.ch (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
(7) NOTC (stackable)
bind notc <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text> <dest>
Description: dest will be a nickname (the bot's nickname,
obviously) or a channel name. mask is matched against the entire
notice and can contain wildcards. It is considered a breach of
protocol to respond to a /notice on IRC, so this is intended for
internal use (logging, etc.) only. Note that server notices do not
trigger the NOTC bind.
New Tcl procs should be declared as
proc notcproc {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} {
global botnick; if {$dest == ""} {set dest $botnick}
for compatibility.
Module: server
you've been here for more than 2 years, you still don't have a clue about Tcl/eggdrop scripting, and you post on the wrong forum - this one is for people who try to script themselves, which you've been unwilling to do for ages
demond wrote:you've been here for more than 2 years, you still don't have a clue about Tcl/eggdrop scripting, and you post on the wrong forum - this one is for people who try to script themselves, which you've been unwilling to do for ages
you are only on that says i have post it in the wrong forum.
i would learn tcl but nobody help me so i cant lern tcl.
i have check the "wrong forum"
egghelp.org community Forum Index -> Scripting Help
what is wrong?
newbie not alowed? so rename the forum not for newbies!
my announcement have i do by get to know netbots. i havent time for scripting every day. i can only scripting when i have holidays!
Use "bind RAW" with the key "NOTICE" you can search that on the forum. I beleive earlier when I was browsing I did find one of demond's example scripting binding to similarly to a server notice.
Facebook: jawad@idsia.ch (Jay Dee) PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.