Yes, I've read it shithead.. how else would I know how getuser works?
And I'm getting pretty [censored] tired of not being able to ask a simple question, without lamers like yourself telling me to read the manual!!
chattr <handle> [changes [channel]]
Description: changes the attributes for a user record, if you include any.
Changes are of the form '+f', '-o', '+dk', '-o+d', etc. If changes are
specified in the format of |<changes> <channel>, the channel-specific
flags for that channel are altered. You can now use the +o|-o #channel
format here too. Returns: new flags for the user (if you made no changes, the current
flags are returned). If a channel was specified, the global AND the
channel-specific flags for that channel are returned in the format of
globalflags|channelflags. "*" is returned if the specified user does
not exist.
Module: core
botattr <handle> [changes [channel]]
Description: similar to chattr except this modifies bot flags rather
than normal user attributes. Returns: new flags for the bot (if you made no changes, the current
flags are returned). If a channel was specified, the global AND the
channel-specific flags for that channel are returned in the format of
globalflags|channelflags. "*" is returned if the specified bot does
not exist.
Module: core
List of all available flags you can find in doc/USERS
HolyCow wrote:Yes, I've read it shithead.. how else would I know how getuser works?
And I'm getting pretty **** tired of not being able to ask a simple question, without lamers like yourself telling me to read the manual!!
You really think calling people names will make them help you ?
If you want help please try to me more polite
Some people are so lazzy so they don't even read 'how to setup conf' manual...I'm geting sick of such people...They ask questions like 'how do i join eggdrop to channel' etc...I think all docs and help module should be removed from eggdrop in next version, it's just waste of space...
userlist [flags]
Returns: a list of users on the bot. You can use the flag matching
system here ([global]{&/|}[chan]{&/|}[bot]). '&' specifies "and";
'|' specifies "or".
Module: core
print that list to a file, and extract the line with your user in it