Code: Select all
proc setxtra { handle type data } {
setuser $handle XTRA $type $data
} ;# setxtra
KrzychuG wrote:This should work:
Code: Select all
proc setxtra { handle type data } { setuser $handle XTRA $type $data } ;# setxtra
KrzychuG wrote:Could you paste that scipt or give a link to it?
KrzychuG wrote:I don't see setxtra in that code
user-set $user $type $arg looks like old compat command
Code: Select all
proc user-set {hand type arg} {
setuser $hand XTRA $type $arg
Code: Select all
proc setxtra { handle data } {
set type [lindex $data 0]
set data [lrange $data 1 end]
setuser $handle XTRA $type $data
} ;# setxtra
KrzychuG wrote:Code: Select all
proc setxtra { handle data } { set type [lindex $data 0] set data [lrange $data 1 end] setuser $handle XTRA $type $data } ;# setxtra
gb wrote:Code: Select all
proc user-set {hand type arg} { setuser $hand XTRA $type $arg }
Code: Select all
proc user-set {hand type arg} {
setuser $hand $type $arg